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Task A:英译汉 (I)

Why let them walk when they can fly? This is a question that is being asked by more and more parents in the UK who believe their children to be “gifted” or child prodigies. Among the calls received by the National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) are many who claimed their offspring demonstrate remarkable ability across all subjects, often with problem-solving and

verbal skills way beyond their years. Then there are those who say their children are gifted in specific areas such as maths, or that they are exceptionally talented in non-academic field such as art, sport or music.

The present government’s focus on provision for the elite students in UK schools is doubtless significant. Among today’s legal requirements are for secondary schools to identify between 5% and 10% of their

pupils as “gifted and talented” and to encourage them to sit General Certificate of Secondary Education early if possible. The optimist’s view is that this has increased the likelihood of tapping into the potential of more young geniuses; the cynic’s is that it has contributed to such labels being used far more loosely.

Bright children often, of course, have ambitious parents behind them. Even Ryde College, famed for its proportion of students taking exams early, argues that its high achievers are not exceptional necessarily —“but children who have been given the opportunities to achieve”.

As educational psychologist Ruth Coppard suggests, “Some so-called child prodigies are little more than the product of highly ambitious parents. If you’ve had as much tutoring and practice in a subject at the age of seven as most 19-year-olds have, then there’s at least a chance that you’ll function in that subject area similarly to a 19-year-old”.


Cowboys’ lives centered around the roundup and the cattle drive. Every winter and summer the cattle fed at the ranch. In the spring and autumn the cowboys rounded up the cattle, and separated the beef cattle from the rest of the herd, and drove them over many miles of open country to the nearest railroad station. From there the cattle were sent to slaughterhouses. In the 19th century, railroads were few and far between. Driving the cattle was a long hard job. There was danger from cattle thieves. The cowboy rose at sun-up to start the cattle moving. They drove them all day through the heat or dust or wind. The men were often on horseback 15 hours a day. Cowboys had to be skillful and strong. They had to be skilled horsemen and good gunmen. Their clothing was made for protection. The wide-brimmed hat was worn to protect them from the sun, dust and the rain. The gun protected them against cattle thieves.


Words That Change a Life

Not a big moment, perhaps, yet small moments sometimes last a very long time. And a few words – though they may mean little at the time to the people who say them can have enormous power.

As a boy, Dalkoff was terribly insecure and shy. He had few friends and no self-confidence. One day in October 1965, his secondary-school English teacher, Ruth Brauch, gave the class an assignment. The students had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Now they were to write their own chapter that would follow the last chapter of the novel.

Dalkoff wrote his chapter and turned it in. Today he cannot recall anything special about the chapter he wrote, or what grade Mrs. Brauch gave him. What he does remember – what he will never forget – are the four words Mrs. Brauch wrote in the margin of the paper: “This is good writing”.

Four words. They changed his life.

“Until I read those words, I had no idea of who I was or what I was going to be,” he said. Over the rest of that year in school, he wrote many short stories and always brought them to school for Mrs. Brauch to evaluate. She was encouraging, tough and honest. “She was just what I needed,” Dalkoff said.

He was named co-editor of his second-school newspaper. His confidence grew; his horizons broadened, he started off on a successful, fulfilling life. For his 30th secondary-school reunion, Dalkoff went back and visited Mrs. Brauch, who had retired. He told her what her four words had done for him. Mrs. Brauch was especially moved by the story. “At that moment I think we both realized that Mrs. Brauch had cast an incredibly long shadow,” he said.

“This is good writing.” So few words. They can change everything.

Task B: Translate the following paragraphs into English:


根据一项颇有争议的新研究, 一种保护动物在生命早期免患癌症的至关重要的蛋白,似乎会在动物生命的晚期造成与衰老相联系的许多机能的退化。









Task C: Writing


A. Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay in about 200 words.

B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.

C. Your essay should cover these three points:

a. effect of the country’s growing human population on its wildlife

b. possible reason for the effect

c. your suggestion for the wildlife protection返回搜狐,查看更多


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