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i①if fruit flies could talk, that’s probably how they would call games in the fruit fight club in edward kravitz’s lab at harvard university. ②kravitz, a neurobiologist, has painstakingly videotaped thousands of hours of fruit-fly (1) ____ one another for decades and of fruit-fly aggression — not only in the insects but possibly in humans as well.

ii③kravitz is (2) ____ the only scientist so (3) ____ with the red-eyed bugs. ④(4)____ the antics of drosophila melanogaster may seem irrelevant at first sight, they are anything but. ⑤ (5) ____, it was the fruit fly, which has been used in experiments of heredity for 100 years and whose genome was fully decoded in 2020. ⑥that first educated us far more (6)____ human beings about the way our genes work. ⑦in essence, it was on the tiny back of the fruit fly that scientists launched a genetic evolution.

1. [a] beyond [b] into [c] off [d] against

2. [a] barely [b] hardly [c] merely [d] rarely

3. [a] puzzled [b]

contented [c] obsessed [d] aligned

4. [a] if [b] since [c] suppose [d] while

5. [a] imagine [b] consider [c] observe [d] remember

6. [a] comprehensive [b] complementary [c] compensating [d] complex


i①if fruit flies could talk, that’s probably how they would call games in the fruit fight club in edward kravitz’s lab at harvard university. 如果果蝇会说话,这可能就是它们在哈佛大学爱德华·克拉维茨实验室的水果搏击俱乐部里的游戏。②kravitz, a neurobiologist, has painstakingly videotaped thousands of hours of fruit-fly (1) ____ one another for decades and of fruit-fly aggression — not only in the insects but possibly in humans as well. 神经生物学kravitz煞费苦心地录像数千小时的果蝇在几十年间的相互打斗以及果蝇的好斗场面 —— 不仅在昆虫中也可能在人类之间。

ii③kravitz is hardly the only scientist so obsessed with the red-eyed bugs. kravitz不仅是唯一的痴迷于红眼的虫子的科学家。④while the antics of drosophila melanogaster may seem irrelevant at first

sight, they are anything but. 虽然黑腹果蝇的滑稽动作乍一看似乎无关紧要,但绝对不是。⑤ remember, it was the fruit fly, which has been used in experiments of heredity for 100 years and whose genome was fully decoded in 2020. 记住,已经在遗传实验中使用了100年的而且其基因组在2020年被完全解码的,正是果蝇。⑥that first educated us far more complex human beings about the way our genes work. 第一次让我们了解更复杂的人类基因的工作方式。⑦in essence, it was on the tiny back of the fruit fly that scientists launched a genetic evolution. 从本质上说,科学家正是在果蝇微小的背部开始了基因进化。

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