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consider as 看作
in classical antiquity, genius wasn’t considered (as) a talent or the result of effort but a divine spirit.
classic 经典的
antiquity 年岁高的
take ……into consideration 思考
be supposed to serve as helpful advisors
what is that supposed to be? 这啥鬼
whoops i forgot to do everything i was supposed to do today.
be deem as 被认为
be regarded as
be seen as
be termed as 把…当作
by the late 1990s the books as guides (which was) developed by absa were deemed outdated and went out of print.
out of date 过期=out of time
to regard the jury system as a concrete expression of crucial democratic values.
we become what we contemplate.
you don’t necessarily have to close your eyes and meditate every day reap the benefits of mindfulness.
be mindful of 思考
mindfulness 正念
this rainy evening the wind is restless. i look at the swaying branches and ponder over the greatness of all thing.(飞鸟集)
it allows us to reason much more accurately about human behavior——the connection between what we see and how we’re going to act.
but when it comes to congress, there are ground for hope.
be grounded in health concerns
middle ground 中立的情绪
come down from fences 要有自个的情绪
ride fences 张望
sit on the fences 张望
to provide argument both for and against monarchy
a justification for neglect of those in need
logical thinking 逻辑思维
logical reasoning 逻辑推理
logistic 后勤,物流
these concern have helped prompt the us food and drug administration to ban the use of triclosan in consumer hand soaps, and the fda is pondering further restrictions.
widespread concern 广泛的忧虑
to whom it may concern 敬启者
be of concern 很重要
to worry about migration 忧虑搬场
worry doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles. it takes away today’s peace.
to exert enormous influence on the course of american architecture
we have no plans to change the recipe of coca-cola classic so it will be impacted by the government’s soft drink tax, said a spokesman for coca-cola european partners, which is the bottler for coca-cola products in western europe.
to have a damaging impact on……
likewise, the language (which is) directly descended from shakespeare’s english has staying power with brits and americans. but english, like football, will soon move outside their control, pulled into something new by the rest of the planet.
nuclear power plant 核电厂
the euro zone’s dominant powers 欧元区的控制方位
to affect workers’ productivity 影响工人的出产率
but there is also evidence that ghrelin can enhance cognition.
to enhance breakers’ sense of responsibility.
and a study (which is) published last year (which) concentrating on brief bouts of intense interval training concluded that some people barely gained endurance with this type of workout, while others flourished, greatly augmenting their fitness.
to strengthen the link
be designed to set law apart from politics
throw out that instructional design language and speak like a human being
by design 成心肠
by accident 无意的
shea devised the approach along with jacqueline jeruss, a breast cancer surgeon.
plastic surgery 整容手术
keep abreast with 和……齐头并进
strive for 为……而斗争
to formulate and conduct the nation’s foreign policy
voucher schemes , meanwhile, have been piloted in delhi, uttar pradesh and madhya pradesh, among other places.
代金券方案,一起,被咱们做实验在印度的德里,北方 派与中心 派,以及其他的当地。
the grand scheme of life
this conspiracy theory nonsense must end ,any suggestions?
to conspire to hack phones
lay out 发布
lay down the effective regulations 拟定有用规则
lay off下岗
be issued more than 300 business-method patent
to issue an unusual order
the heart of the issue
public affairs 公同事务
international affairs 世界事务
love affair 私情
affair of state 国务
it matters. 这很重要
it doesn’t matter to me. 这对我来说没疑问
what matters is that……
to make matters worse
as a matter of fact……
age is an issue of mind over matter. if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
new edition 新版
revised edition 修订版
to portray an idealized version of themselves.
to publish stories on newsprint
come out 出书
come off the press 出书
ten thousand copies of the organization’s dictionary and dvds have been distributed across the country, and a second edition is in print.
concerns about how science prize are distributed.
it is thought that……
hand out 分发
be viewed as ……被视作
to view laughter as “a bodily exercise (that is) precious to health”
in my view 在我看来
a bird’s eye view 仰视=overlook 无视
from one’s point of view=as far as sb is concerned
so far 当前
you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.
i never choose to be right, i choose to be happy.
now researchers have developed a methodology for studying rural native american kids’ perspectives on nature and have compared their responses with those of their city-dwelling peers.
dwell in=reside in=live in 居住
from a public expenditure perspective
to voice their opinions 宣告咱们的观念
be a matter of opinion 观点因人而异。见仁见智。
this issue is a matter of opinion. 这是一个仁者见仁的作业
opinion poll 民意查询
everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
as a classic saying goes……
mr. foot face a vitriolic media campaign against him but it did not define his outlook on the media.
to miss the point 不可靠
at that point 在那个点子上
that’s a good point 所言极是
to the point 中肯的
to seek out opposing viewpoints
for instance 举比方
a sight of dense woods 一片密林
out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见心不烦
behind the scenes 不和里
still, the project is considered (as) a success when (it is) measured against the country’s bleak educational landscape.
to capture the panorama of english society
benefit from 从……获益
but there is a problem——-——indigenous languages are dying off at an alarming rate, making it increasingly difficult for scientists and other experts to benefit from such knowledge.
measurable benefit? 可量化的利益(明账)
be beneficial for ……to
it is beneficial for you to 这样做对你很有优点
for the sake of benefit 出于利益意图
for the sake of love
for the sake of hate
for god’s sake
zip it!
interest groups 快乐喜爱组
interest rates/rates of interest 利率
exchange rate
to reward companies

for job creation
soul-builder 魂灵工程师
faith-preacher 崇奉布道士
reward vs award 尽力奖,奖杯
to take advantage of college resources
strength and weakness 利益和缺陷
the virtue of work 作业中的美德
virtual reality (vr)
virtue has a veil, vice (has) a mask.? 美德是一层纱,罪恶有一层面具。
such values are not easy to measure and can take years to cement in a company’s culture.
to enhance security measures 去加强平安标准
they calculated that if these mental health problems were treated, gross domestic product (gdp) would increase by 4 percent.
to count for no more than 10% of their grades
account for 占有
based on the responses, they then estimated its average value to the consumer at around $750.
to judge complex aspect of personality.
day of judgment 世界末日
you can’t judge a book by its cover.
you can’t judge a person by its appearance.
the capacity to evaluate others could stabilize complex social groups by enabling individuals to exclude uncooperative members, says kiley hamlin at the university of british columbia, canada.
to assess the implications
imply 暗示
make an assessment on/of 做评价
pay tribute to 赞许
a means of livelihood 日子的办法
in no case =by no means =at no time 绝不
not by any means 绝不
by means of 经过……的办法
take initiative in doing 主动做某事
do it step by step 故步自封
to appear to be speeding up 显得速度有些加速
to appear at political events 在政治作业中出头
表面:pretty handsome cute attractive(有招引力的) funny elegant(典雅) beautiful/gorgeous ugly
however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
arrive at an indisputable conclusion that……
an emerging country 一个新式国家
today’s conception of childhood emerged in the 19th century, paving the way for child-protection laws and a golden age of children’s literature.
set the stage for 为……搭好了舞台
so, unless those volumes can actually be sold, and economies of scale (can be) achieved, bankruptcy looms.
sale volume 出售额
loom large 显得大
average people 一般人
on average 均匀,一般来讲
i never mean to ……我历来没想过
ordinary /extraordinary 往常的/不寻常的
the procedure is so commonplace that 1.5% of the babies (who are) born in western europe, north america and australia owe their existence to the technology.
这个进程如此的一般致使于1.5% 出世在西欧的孩子,以及北美和澳大利亚的孩子们把这种存在归因于技能。
ascribe ……to……
subject……to……?? 归因于
social media 交际媒体
justice league 正义联盟
be equal to 平等的
be equivalent to平等的(机缘)
reality 实际
to maintain its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law
law 法令
rule 规则
regulation 法令
act 法案
bill 方案
what material success does is provide (to provide/providing) you with the ability to concentrate on other thing that really matter and that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people’s lives.
materialism 拜金主义
charity begins at home 慈悲从家里初步
roughly 85 percent of the word’s energy supply
gold reserve 黄金贮藏
food reserve 粮食贮藏
job offers 作业机缘
an offer of marriage 求婚
special offer 特价
to serve on state juries
serve the people 为公民效能
public servant 公务员,公仆
a goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.
to afford to pay my monthly mortgage payments
a recent study from colorado state university found that just thinking about having to answer email at home renders employees “emotionally exhausted,” which can hurt morale.
exhaustible 不可以再生的
inexhaustible 可再生的
last year, oklahoma state university researchers found that 47% of those they surveyed want to ban slaughterhouses, and 47% support banning factory farming.
census 人员查询
second child policy 二胎方针
summary 总结,概要
outline 大纲
to investigate formation flight
investigation 查询
look into 查询
do you copy?
roger that!
i got it!
at the 30-meter mark, the likelihood of regular communication approached zero.
a number of approaches to mastering the art of deep work
have a great mastery of
deep study/learning 深度学习
deep mind
to access bank accounts in electronic payments systems
have access to something 接近……权力机缘
give people an easy access to 使我更简略接近
gain/get access to 进入。。。。,见到。。。。
to open up new avenue of knowledge to explore
once a channel of communication has been established, regardless of what it is, it needs to be used appropriately.
in passive consumption mode
pattern 图像款式
manner 行为行为
new paradigm 新范式
think mode 思维方法
marking mode 推广方法
service mode? 效能方法
business mode 商业方法

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