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张洪艳教授博士结业于中科院长光所,先后在中科院物理所、中科院理化所从事研讨作业,有在美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院造访专家阅历。先后获得北京科技新星和鄂尔多斯市“草原英才”,在biosensor and bioelectron、analytical chemistry,sensors and actuators b: chemical等世界期刊共宣告文章100余篇(sci录入80余篇),其间一作和通讯作者文章40余篇,获得授权专利30项,包括1项世界专利。掌管了863方案项目1项,中科院仪器研发项目2项,我国科学院仪器设备功用开发技能立异项目1项,掌管国家天然基金面上项目2项,北京市天然基金面上项目1项及横向项目1项,作为项目骨干参加国家要点研发方案(973)项目、国家天然基金仪器专项项目、中科院仪器研发项目、国家天然基金面上项目等10余项。
1. l. he, h. xiong, b. wang, y. zhang, j. wang, h. zhang*, h. li, z. yang, x. song*, rational design of a two-photon ratiometric fluorescent probe for hypochlorous acid with a large stokes shift, anal. chem. 2021, dio:10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00030(sci, if=6.785)
2. d. bu,h.n song, z. li*, l. wei, h. zhang*, m. yu*,carbon-dot-based ratiometric fluorescent probe of intracellular zinc ion and persulfate ion with low dark toxicity,2021,luminescence, dio:10.1002/bio.3894(sci, if=1.855)
3. y. hou, h. liu, z. li,* h. zhang,* l. wei, m. yu*,one-step synthesis of mitochondrion-targeted fluorescence carbon dots and fluorescent detection of silver ions, anal. methods, 2021, 12, 2835 –284. (sci, if=2.596)
4. y. li, j. zhu, h. zhang,*, w. liu, j. ge, j. wu, p. wang, high sensitivity gram-negative bacteria biosensor based on a small-molecule modified surface plasmon resonance chip studied using a laser scanning confocal imaging-surface plasmon resonance system, sensors and actuators b: chemical, 2021, 259, 492-497(sci, if=5.667)
5. y. he, z. li,*, q. jia, b. shi, h. zhang,*, l. wei, m. yu, ratiometric fluorescent detection of acidic ph in lysosome with carbon nanodots, chinese chemical letters, 2021, 28, 1969-1974(sci, if=1.932)
6. x. liu, y. su, h. tian, l. yang, h. zhang*, x. song* and james w. foley, a ratiometric fluorescent probe for lysosomal ph measurement and imaging in living cells using single-wavelength excitation, analytical chemistry, 2021, 89, 7038–7045(sci, if=6.32)
7. h. li, h. dong, m. yu, c. liu, z. li, l. wei, l. sun,* and h. zhang*, nir ratiometric luminescence detection of phfluctuation in living cells with hemicyanine derivative-assembled upconversion nanophosphors,?analytical chemistry, 2021, 89, 8863-8869 (sci, if=6.32)
8. m. yu *, w. du, h. li, h. zhang*, z. lia*,near-infrared ratiometric fluorescent detection of arginine in lysosome with a new hemicyanine derivative, biosensors and bioelectronics, 2021, 92, 385–389(sci, if=7.78)
9. z. li , w. zhang, c. liu, m. yu , h. zhang,*, l. guo, l. wei, a colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescent probe for hydrazine and its application in living cells with low dark toxicity, sensors and actuators b: chemical,2021, 241,665–671(sci, if=5.66

10. q. ma, h. zhang,* w. liu, j. ge, j. wu, s. wang and p. wang, surface-enhanced raman scattering substrate based on cysteamine-modified gold nanoparticle aggregation for highly sensitive pentachlorophenol detection, rsc adv., 2016, 6, 85285–85292(sci, if=3.2877)
11. s. liu, h. zhang,* w. liu, b. zhou, q. ma, j. ge, j. wu and p. wang, investigation of biological cell–small molecule interactions with a gold surface plasmon resonance sensor using a laser scanning confocal imagingsurface plasmon resonance system, rsc adv., 2016, 6, 65930–65935(sci, if=3.2877)
12. m. yu*, w. du, w. zhou, h. li, c. liu, l. wei, z. li*, h. zhang*, a 1,8-naphthalimide-based chemosensor with an off-on fluorescence and lifetime imaging response for intracellular cr3+ and further for s2-, dyes and pigments, 2016, 126, 279-285(sci, if=4.055)
(1)学费标准:硕士每生每学年 6000 元;
(2)补助信息:关于调剂到咱们专业的研讨生,重生入学即有 6000 元的奖金,另 外还有每月 700 元的日子补助,此外,学生地址的研讨团队将为每名研讨生供给每 年不低于 5000 元的赞助;学生入学签到后,补助外地学生来北京复试时的往复交通费(火车硬座、硬卧或高铁二等座)
奖学金品种 赞助金额 奖学金品种 赞助金额
国家奖学金 20000 元/人·学年 国家助学金 7000 元/人·学年
学业奖学金 8000/6000/4000 元/人·学年
重生学业奖学金 8000/6000 元/人·学年
倾慕奖学金 2000 元/人·学年 纺织之光奖学金 8000 元/人·学年
桑麻奖学金 4000/3000/2000 元/人·学年
(4)学院活泼创造杰出的科研条件,鼓舞学生打开学术研讨,注重对研讨生 的学术练习和培育,2021 年 3 名同学喜获国家留学基金委赞助去日本、法国及西班牙等国家攻读博士学位。此外,本学科已与中科院化学所、中科院进程所、中科院理化所、我国纺织科学研讨院、北京化工大学、总后军需配备研讨所、北京航空航天大学等单位树立了协作联络,根据科研项目需要,每年遴派优良研讨生进行联合培育。

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