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??今日读的是unsetsoutparis-styleplantocutextinctionratebyfactorof10联合国拟定了巴黎式的方案,将灭绝率降低到正本的非常之一。??大约讲的是巴黎式联合国协议新草案的方针,即将在昆明开会,商洽究竟文本。??我是打印经济学人的文章出来先精读一次再记下来我觉得重要的词汇和语句??有许多语句非常值得操练??the goals set out by the un convention on biologic(cbd) ??to help halt and reverse the ecological destruction of earth ??by the end of the decade?? also??include??protecting at least 30% of the world’s oceans and land and providing a third of climate crisis mitigation through nature?? by 2030主语the goals;后置定语set out by the un convention on biological diversity (cbd);不定式表意图 to help halt and reverse the ecological dest

ruction of earth; 时刻状语by the end of the decade; 状语also; 谓语 include ;宾 语 : 非 谓 语 动 词 词 protecting at least 30% of the world’s oceans; 连词-and;非谓语动词词组 land and providing a third of climate crisis mitigation through nature;时刻状语 by 2030.联合国生物多样性公约(cbd) 设定的方针旨在于十年内协助阻挡和回转地球生态损坏。它的方针还包括:在2030年前,维护世界上至少30%的 海洋和陆地,以及经过天然方法减轻三分之一的气候危机。@经济学人考研英语每日学习|六级备考|往常打卡|精读文章

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