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??考研材料网为我们共享一份考研英语重要词汇释义用法,期望对我们有所协助,假定需要下载word打印版,请重视大众号:kaoyanyo,发送要害词:词汇用法。fac, fact, fec, fic, fit, fea, fig = make, do 制造,做manufacture助记:manu(手)+ fact(做)+ ure→用手做→制造,加工释义:n. 制造业,产品;v. 加工,制造举例:1. these new orders for our manufactures will mean working overtime。这些订购咱们产品的新订单意味着要加班。2. we manufacture various types of machine tools。我公司出产各品种型的机床。facilitate助记:fac(做)+ ilitate(可以)→使可以做→使简略释义:v. 使简略,使便当,推进举例:1. the new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city。新的地下铁路将为去城市的任何当地供给便利。2. friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange。各国公民的友爱触摸推进了文明和经济交流。defect助记:de(向下)+ fect(做)→没做好→缺陷释义:n. 缺陷,缺陷举例:a report has pointed out the defects of the present system。一份陈述指出了现有体系的缺陷。infection助记:in(向内)+ fec(做)+ tion(名词后缀)→做进入→感染进入→感染释义:n. 感染,感染,影响举例:1. air, water, clothing and insects are all means of infection。空气、水、衣裳、及昆虫都会变成疾病的感染前言。2. the book has a long infection on readers。这本书对读者发生了长远影响。profit助记:pro(前,向前)+ fit(制造,做)→向前地做→做得好→获利释义:n. 获利,利益;v. 有利于;获利举例:1. you can improve your chances of profit by sensible plann

ing。你可以经过合理的方案添加盈利的机缘。2. no one was profiting inordinately from the war effort。没有人在从战争中发大财。feature助记:fea(做)+ ture(名词词根,表一般状况,行为)→干事的状况→干事的特征释义:n. 容颜,特征举例:1. wet weather is a feature of life in this area。气候湿润是这个区域日子的一个特征。2. his features seemed to change。他的容形如同变了。feasible助记:f + easi(看做 easy 简略的)+ ble→简略做到的→可行的释义:a. 可行的,真实可行的举例: it is not feasible to build sea defenses to protect against erosion。构筑海堤避免腐蚀是不可以行的。defeat助记:de(下,向下)+ feat(来自于 beat:打)→打下去→打倒,打败释义:n./v。打败,打败,失利,波折举例:1. the most important thing is not to admit defeat until you really have to。最重要的事即对错到不得已不要认输。2. his guerrillas defeated the colonial army in 1954.他的游击队在 1954 年打败了殖民军。figure助记:fig(做)+ ure(名词后缀,表成果,状况)→做出来的状况→形象释义:n. 数字,人物,体形,归纳,插图; v. 描绘,核算,猜测,呈现举例:1. i like the color of the hat instead of its figure。尽管我喜爱这顶帽子的颜色,但我不喜爱它的形状。2. how do you figure that?你如何料到的?以上就是考研英语材料:考研英语重要词汇释义用法——ced, ceed, cess = go,期望对我们有所协助,假定需要下载word打印版,请重视大众号:kaoyanyo,发送要害词:词汇用法。????

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