【考研英语长难句操练】2023考研英语长难句带练分析(33)_ 教育网(英语考研)

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the usps reported a net loss of $5.6 billion for fiscal 2016, the 10th straight year its expenses have exceeded revenue.

(1) 本句骨干规划为the usps

reported a net loss of $5.6 billion for fiscal 2016,逗号后边的为同位语,对前面的2016进行说明阐明。在这个同位语中包括一个定语从句,即its expenses have exceeded revenue,润饰前面的the 10th straight year。

(2) 本句译文:美国邮政陈述了2016财年56亿美元的净亏本,这是接连第十年它的开支跨越收入。

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