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  1. Any government, which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price.任何当局疏忽这一点将支出庞大的价格
  2. Nowadays 当前
  3. at the mere mention of 一提到
  4. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. 斟酌到问题的紧张性,在局势进一步恶化以前,必需采纳有用地办法
  5. It is disputable that 无可辩论
  6. Although this view is widely held, this is little evidence that…
  7. In fact, we have to admit the face that… 究竟上,咱们不能不认可…这个究竟
  8. We should spare no effort to the …咱们应当竭尽全力地
  9. This is a matter of life and death-a matter no country

can afford to ignore. 这是一个瓜葛国度存亡的问题,任何国度都不克不及轻忽
  10. This view is now being questioned by more and more people. 这一概念遭到愈来愈多的质疑
  11. Despite many obvious advantages of …,it is not without its problem.
  12. Many experts point out that, along with the development of modern society, it is an inevitable result and there is no way to avoid it. 很多专家指出这是现代社会成长的必定成果,没法防止
  13. Keep a favorable position in… 连结上风
  14. As for me, I’m firmly convinced that 就我而言,我刚强地认为
  15. In the first place起首
  16. But is it really case?
  17. Negative impact 负面影响
  18. Sth have worsened sth …使…恶化
  19. It is suggested that governments ought

to make efforts to 建议当局应当尽力…
  20. In conclusion, we must take into account this problem rationally and place more emphasize on… 总之,咱们应当理智斟酌这一问题,器重…
  21. Need sth more than ever 比任什么时候候必要
  22. Sth have gone bad

to worse 日就衰败
  23. So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it. 时候如斯贵重,咱们不克不及挥霍它
  24. There is no one but longs to 人们都但愿
  25. Around the corner 刻不容缓
  26. We should bring home to people the value of doing sth 咱们应当让人们晓得…的价值
  27. As a popular saying goes,” everything has two sides”.
  28. Modernization program 现代化扶植
  29. Be linked to …与…有关
  30. Quite a few 至关多
  31. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发现像互联网同样同时遭到如斯多的赞美和批判


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