西南大学计算机与信息科学学院研究生导师简介-赖红 – 研究生导师…(西南大学计算机与信息科学学院软件学院官网)

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姓名(name):赖红()性别(sex):女(female)学历(degree):doctor 职称(title):associate prof.部门(department):computer science电话(tel):邮件地址(email):hlai@swu.edu.cn研究方向(research topics):quantum cryptography, key agreement protocol个人简介(about me)??2002.9-2006.7??????内江师范学院??????????????????????????数学与应用数学??????????????????理学学士??2008.9-2011.7??????陕西师范大学????????????????????????????应用数学?

?????????????????????????????理学硕士??2011.9-2015.7??????北京邮电大学????????????????????????????物理电子学??????????????????????????工学博士??2013.4-2015.9??????澳洲麦考瑞大学????????????????????????信息安全??????????????????????????????博士我于2015年同时获得北京邮电大学物理电子学和澳洲麦考瑞大学的博士学位。我的研究方向集中于经典和量子密码,涉及数学,计算机,物理等学科的交叉。主要研究成果发表在nonlinear??dynamics(第一作者1篇)、??quantum??information??processing(第一作者兼唯一通讯作者3篇)、physics??letters??a(第一作者1篇)等期刊上。2013年4月-2015年8月????获得麦考瑞大学优秀国际研究型博士生全额奖学金??(免去每年$33,141的学费,提供生活费$24,625/年)??2013年10月获得麦考瑞大学会议奖金$4550??(资助博士生参加海外知名会议)。?? 教学情况(teaching) 讲授本科生课程“线性代数”(西南大学,本科生54学时);2016-?科研情况(research)代表论文[1]lai h, xiao j h, li l x, yang y x. recursive hiding of biometrics-based secret sharing scheme using adversary structure [j]. information processing letters, 2012, 112: 683-687.(sci检索号:**005, if: 0.488 )[2]lai h, xiao j h, li l x, yang y x. applying semi-group property of enhanced chebyshev polynomials to anonymous authentication protocol [j]. mathematical problems in engineering, volume 2012, article id 454823, 17 pages. (sci检 索号:**001, if: 1.383, 被引19次 )[3]lai h, xiao j h, orgun m a, xue l y, pieprzyk j. quantum direct secret sharing with efficient eavesdropping-check and authentication based on distributed fountain codes [j]. quantum information processing, 2014, 13: 895-907. (sci检索号:**006, if: 2.960)[4]lai h, orgun m a, xiao j h, xue l y. fault-tolerant high-capacity quantum key distribution over a collective-noise channel [j]. quantum information processing, 2014, 13:1523-1535. (sci检索号:**004, if: 2.960)[5]lai h, orgun m a, xiao j h, pieprzyk j, xue l y,yang y x. provably secure three-party key agreement protocol using chebyshev maps in the standard mode,nonlinear dynamics, 2014, 4: 1427-1439. (sci检索号:**025, if: 2.419)[6]lai h, xue l y, orgun m a, xiao j h, pieprzyk j. a hybrid quantum key distribution using extended unitary operations and distributed fountain codes [j]. quantum information processing, 2015, 14: 697-713. (sci检索号: **019, if: 2.960)[7]lai h, orgun m a, xiao j h, xue l y, pieprzyk j. dynamic (2,3) threshold quantum secret sharing of secure direct communication [j]. communications in theoretical physics , 2015, 63: 459-465. (sci检索号:**010,if: 1.049)[8]lai h, orgun m a, xue l y, xiao j h, pieprzyk j. dual compressible hybrid quantum secret sharing schemes based on extended unitary operations [c]. proc. spie 9123, quantum information and computation xii, baltimore, usa, may, 2014. (ei,检索号**008)[9]lai h, orgun m a, pieprzyk j, xiao j h, xue l y, tian j z. controllable quantum private queries using an entangled fibonacci-sequence spiral source, physics letters a, 2561–2568,2015 (sci检索号:**005,if: 1.626)[10] s. d. li, h. lai, w. b. wu, s. w. jiang, g. x. hu, novel space efficient secret sharing for implicit data security, international conference on information science and digital content technology(icidt),jeju island, korea (south). (ei)[11] z. h. li, t. xue, h. lai.secret sharing schemes from binary linear code, information sciences, 4412-4419, 2010(180).(2013中科院sci一区, 影响因子: 3.643) ? 获奖情况(awards)? 备注(memo) 招收数学、计算机、物理背景的学生。对量子密码,经典密码,大数据,云计算,网络通信等方向有兴趣的同学,欢迎邮件联系????hlai@swu.edu.cn.对学生的要求:??热爱科学,勤奋,乐观,做事积极认真,性格好!

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