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王小宇根柢信息名字:王小宇职称:教授通讯地址:上海市杨浦区长阳路 2588 号致远楼 910邮编:200090电话:13693069735email:xiaoyuwieee.org自个简介王小宇,男,1978 年 8 月生,汉族,陕西人,工学博士,教授,上海电力大学电气工程学院 教育布景2000 年,本科结业于清华大学电气工程专业; 2003 年,硕士结业于清华大学电气工程专业,首要从事分布式发电与电能质量分析、参数辨识等方面的研讨; 2008 年,博士结业于阿尔伯塔大学专业,首要从事分布式发电、微电网、智能电网等方面的

研讨作业阅历2008 年 7 月至 2008 年 10 月,阿尔伯塔大学电机与核算机工程系博士后;2008 年 11 月至 2012 年 6 月,清华大学电机系任讲师;2012 年 7 月至 2021 年 6 月,卡尔顿大学电子系任助理教授、副教授;2021 年 7 月至今,上海电力大学任教授。研讨方向配电网运转与控制,微电网能量打点体系,分布式动力维护与控制,电动轿车充电优化打点首要科研项目1 2021 年 9 月至今,2021 年上海市“曙光专家” ,根据信息-物理-社会交融的新动力微电网基础理论研讨;2 2014 年 5 月-2021 年 4 月,control and operation of distributed energy storage in active distribution networks,natural sciences and engineering research council (nserc)discovery grant;3 2021 年 5 月-2022 年 4 月,smart electric vehicle energy management system technology,canadian ontario ministry of research, innovation and science;有关作用1 w. meng, x. wang, and s. liu,distributed load sharing of an inverter-based microgrid with reduced communicationj. ieee transactions on smart grid,2021,9(2):1354-13642 w. meng, x. wang, z. wang, and i. kamwa,impact of causality on performance of phasor measurement unit algorithmsj. ieee transactions on power systems,2021,33(2):1555-15653 s. muller, h. georg, j. nutaro, e. widl, y. deng, p. palensky, m. awais, m. chenine, m. kch, m. stifter, h. lin, s. shukla, x. wang,interfacing power system and ict simulators: challenges, state-of-the-art and case studiesj.ieee transactions on smart grid,2021,9(1):14-244 w. meng and x. wang,distributed energy management in smart grid with wind power and temporally coupled constraintsj. ieee transactions on industrial electronics, 2021, 64(8): 6052-60625 s. liu, x. wang, and x. liu,a stochastic stability enhancement method of grid-connected distributed energy storage systemsj.ieee transactions on smart grid,2021,8(5):2062-20706 w. wang, x. guo, j. li, and x. wang ,impact of voltage sags on electric vehicle charger and critical voltage sag determinationj.ieee transactions on power delivery,2016,31(3):1397-13997 s. liu, x. liu, and x. wang,stochastic small-signal stability analysis of grid-connected photovoltaic systemsj.ieee transactions on industrial electronics,2016,63(2):1027-10388 s. liu, x. liu, and x. wang,stability analysis of grid- interfacing inverter control in distribution systems with multiple photovoltaic-based distributed generationsj. ieee transactions on industrial electronics,2016,63(12): 7339-73489 s. liu, x. wang, and x. liu,impact of communication delays on secondary frequency control in an islanded microgridj.ieee trans. industrial electronics,2015,62(4):2021-203110 x. wang, p. zhang, z. wang, v. dinavahi, g. chang, j. a. martinez, a. davoudi, a. mehrizi-sani, and s. abhyankar, interfacing issues in multi-agent simulation for smart grid applicationsj.ieee trans. power delivery,2013, 28(3): 1918-1927招生需求接收有志于从事智能电网研讨的博士研讨生。

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