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directions: in this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following chart. in your writing, you should
1) interpret the chart and
2) give your comments.?
you should write at least 150 words.?

this is a column chart that clearly illustrates the striking contrasts in?how residents obtain books in a certain city in 2020. reading e-books?ranks first, accounting for?approximately 32%.?the next is?purchasing from online?stores, with?about?28%,?followed by?buying from?physical bookstores, with 20%. finally comes?borrowing from the library,?at?14%.
such statistics can be associated with?the impact of the internet on the book market and peoples reading habits.?on the one hand,?the past years?were characterized by?the rapid development of mobile internet technology,?which enabled?purchasing books and reading e-books on apps?to?gain great popularity among the public.?a case in point is?me. most of the books i read were bought from the internet.?on the other hand,?some readers,?compared with/

to?others, still?prefer?visiting physical bookstores or borrowing books from libraries.
as a?senior?who?is preparing for the national entrance exams for postgraduate?studies, i buy?books online and read in libraries in the meantime. libraries?can bring me?an atmosphere of learning,?arouse my passion for?reading,?and help me?be absorbed in books. (188 words)
这是一个柱状图,清晰展示了 2020年某城市居民图 书获取渠道的显著差异。排名第一的是电子书阅读,约占 32%o其次是从网店购买,约占28%,然后是从实体书店购 买,占20%。最后是从图书馆借阅,占14%。
这些数据能让人联想到互联网对图书市场和人们阅读习 惯的影响。一方面,过去几年的突出特征是移动互联网技术 的快速发展,这使得通过应用程序购关图书和阅读电子书在 公众中大受欢迎。一个典型例子就是我自己。我读的大部分 书都是从网上购买的。另一方面,与其他读者相比,一些读 者仍然更喜欢造访实体书店或从图书馆借书。
作为一名正在准备考研的大四学生,我在网上买书,同 时也在图书馆看书。因为图书馆能给我带来学习的氛围,激 发我对阅读的热情,并 助我专心读书。


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