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??feeling unhappy, depressed or lonely could speed up the ageing processes more than smoking or even certain diseases, researchers have suggested.?while everyone has an age based on their date of birth – their “chronological age” – they also have what is known as a “biological age”, based on the ageing of the body’s functions, influenced by genetics, lifestyle and other factors. studies have previously suggested the higher the biological age, the higher the risk of various diseases, and the risk of death.





now researchers say they have created a digital model of ageing, revealing the importance of psychological health.?“your body and soul are connected – this is our main message,” said fedor galkin, a co-author of the study and lead scientist at the hong kong startup deep longevity.




“we demonstrate that psychological factors, such as feeling unhappy or being lonely, add up to 1.65 years to one’s biological age,” they write.while galkin said the figure is an estimate, not least as the model assumes that different feelings such as hopelessness or fearfulness are independent of each other, the study highlights the importance of psychological state in how fast we age.




“taking care of your psychological health is the greatest contributor that you can have to slowing down your pace of ageing,” he said.?the team also report that people who smoke are predicted to be 15 months older than their non-smoking peers, while being married reduces biological age by around seven months. people living in rural areas are predicted to be almost five months older than their urban peers.?




but, he said, it is unlikely isolation and loneliness are truly worse risk factors for health than smoking, while the study only looked at data collected at one point in time.?“the researchers did not follow up participants to show that those with psychological distress actually aged more rapidly,” he said. “it will be important in the future to test whether these predictions are fulfilled by repeating testing over a number of years.”






1.chronological / ?kr?n??l?d??k(?)l / adj.按发生时刻次序摆放的;(年纪)准时刻核算的

2.urban / ???b?n / adj.城市的,乡镇的;黑人音乐的;住在都市的

3.psychological / ?sa?k??l?d??k(?)l /adj.心思的,精力的;心思学的,关于心思学的;由焦虑(或哀痛)致使的,存在于心思上的



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