沈阳药科大学研讨生导师简介-殷军 – 沈阳药科大学教师导师 – Free…(沈阳药科大学科研)

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导师简介导师名字殷军性别女出世年月1965.08导师品种硕导, 博导研讨方向中药资中药与天然药药效成分、质量控制及生物转化研讨与中药新药、保健食物研发联络电话**职称/院士教授e-mailyinjun2002@yahoo.com;导师学位双博士学院(作业单位)中药学院信箱(地址)48号信箱殷军教授:我国药典委员会委员,辽宁省特聘教授,三级教授(生药学学科仅有),辽宁省百千万人才“百人”层次,辽宁省药学会中药与天然药物专业委员会主任委员。辽宁省东北道地药材研发要点实验室主任。沈阳药科大学生药学学科主席。别离在沈阳药科大学、日本富山医科药科大学获得博士学位。现担任世界中医药学会中药化学联合会常务理事、我国高级中药教育研讨会副理事长、国家科技前进奖评委、国家食物药品监督打点局药品、保健食物审评专家、国家教育部学位办审评专家、国家天然科学基金委员会项目评定专家、国家中医药局中医药科技征询与项目评定专家、国家发改委药品价格评定专家、辽宁省、吉林省、河北省科学技能奖赏评定专家、辽宁省科技厅、经委、沈阳市科技局、发改委、经委科技项目评定专家。担任《biotechnoledge and biochemistry》、《中成药》,《现代药物与临床》及《我国现代中药》的编委,《沈阳药科大学学报》常务编委,《asian journal of traditional medicines》责任修改。主办了第六届中日韩世界生药学学术大会和全国第十一届中药与天然药物学术研讨会并任大会主席。曾获国家中医药打点局中医药科技进操铫辽宁省科技前进二等奖、中华中医药学会科学技能二等奖,我国药学会科学技能三等奖,省科技前进三等、辽宁省优良科技作业者等。已掌管结束国家天然基金项目、十一五严峻专项临床前药物研讨、海外学子创业基金、教育部归国人员建议基金、国家中医药打点局优良留学归国人员基金、教育部要点实验室翻开基金、市优良人才专项基金等项目。宣告了国内、外论文一百余篇,sci计算源期刊四十余篇。在世界性学术会议上、聘请讲演十余次。国家十二五统编教材《生药学》副主编,主编的中英文对照《生药学实验与辅导》是本专业第一本统编双语教材。主编《东北道地药材-五味子研讨》在内地和香港出书。请求国家专利14项,已授权2项,pct专利一项。结束2010版《我国药典》标准3个、转让新药3个,在研一类新药2个,五、六类新药多个、保健食物多个。结束公司药品标准、技能道路改进多个。现掌管国家天然基金项目3项、十一五新药创制严峻专项候选药物研讨1项、2015版《我国药典》项目多个、省科技专项、世界协作项目数个及多项横向课题。同日本、韩国、美国有学术交流和学生联合培育交流。近年宣告的代表论文:1) antithrombotic activity of the fractions and components obtained from raspberry leaves(rubuschingii), food chemistry, 2012, 132(1): 181-185 (sci, 3.66)2) cardio-protection of salvianolic acid b through inhibition of apoptosis network, 2011, plos one, 6(9): e24036 (sci, 4.61)3) cyp3a catalyzes schizandrin biotransformation in human, minipig and rat liver microsomes. xenobiotica, 2010, 401: 38–47. (sci, 2.10)4) inhibitory effects of curcumenol on human liver cytochrome p450 enzyme. phytotherapy research,2010,40(1):38-37(sci, 1.8)5) the in vivo expectorant and antitussive activity of extract and fractions from reineckiacarnea, journal of ethnopharmacology, 2010, 131(1): 220-223(sci, 2.3)6) activity of dbxx granules on anti-gastric ulcer and decreasing the side effects of chemotherapy in s180 tumor-bearing mice, jounal of ethnopharmacology, 2011, 137, 1156-1160(sci, 2.5)7) flavanone glycosides from viscum coloratum and their inhibitory effects on osteoclast formation, chemistry and biodiversity, 2011, 8:1682-1688. (sci, 1.6)8) treatment of suqingwan watered pill reduces colon injury induced by experimental colitis, journal of ethnopharmacology, 2011,136:144-148.(sci, 2.5)9) deoxyschizandrin isolated from the fruits of schisandra chinensis ameliorates aβ1-42-induced memory impairment in mice. planta medica 2012, 78 (12): 1332-1336. (sci, 1.96)10) schizandrin, an antioxidant lignan from schisandra chinensis ameliorates aβ1-42-induced memory impairment in mice. oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 2012, 2012: article id 721721. doi: 10.1155/2012/ 721721 (sci, 2.0)11) studies on standardized extracts of schisandrachinensis, planta medica, 2008,74 (9): 93312) inhibitory activity of ethyl acetate fraction ofviscumcoloratum on bone resorption, planta medica, 2008,74 (2): 120-125. (sci, 1.96)13) the in vitro anti-osteoporotic activity of some diarylheptanoids and lignans from the rhizomes of dioscoreaspongiosa, planta medica. 2008, 74 (12), 1551-53. (sci, 1.96)14) relative and absolute structures of diospongin a,b, and c, planta medica, 2009,75 (4): 405-406.15) inhibitory activity of a phytochemically characterized fraction from streptocaulonjuventas on lung cancer in nude mice, planta medica, 2009, 75:1-5.(sci, 1.96)16) the in vitro antiosteoporotic activity of some glycosides in dioscoreaspongiosa, biol. pharm. bull., 2010, 33(2), 316-320.(sci, 1.81)17) antitussive and expectorant constituents of reineckiacarnea (andr.)kunth, asian symposium for pharmaceutical science in jsps asia core program (acros fukuoka 2009). 日本:2009,11. 18) the metabolism of lignans from fructus schisandra, phytochemical society of north america 50th anniversary meeting, 美国,夏威夷, 2011.1219) the in vivo expectorant and antitussive activity of extract and fractions from reineckiacarnea,2010 international symposium, 韩国釜山:2010, 7.20) pharmacognosy study on two plants of streptocaulongenus,the 5th chinese-korean-japanese joint pharmacognosy symposium,日本德岛,2010,10. 21) in vitro metabolism and interaction of lignans in schisandrae fruit, international symposium 2011 for healthcare,韩国全州, 2011,522) the metabolism of lignans from fructus schisandra, the 16th international congress phytopharm, st.-petersburg, russia, 2012.7 23) microbial transformation of curcumin by rhizopuschinensis, biocatalysis & biotransformation,2010, 28(5–6): 380–386 (sci, 1.02)24) biotransformation of pseudolaric acid b by chaetomium globosum, process biochemistry,2011, 46: 2064–2067 (sci, 2.67)25) biotransformation of bufadienolides by cell suspension culturesof saussureainvolucrata,phytochemistry, 2011, 72:1779–1785 (sci, 3.35)26) reversible inhibition of three important human liver cytochrome p45

0 enzymes by tiliroside, phytotherapy research, 2010,24:1670-1675 (sci, 2.09)

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