《2008年考研英语词句篇高效阅读120篇》Unit 3

32 minutes, 14 seconds Read

Part A
Directions:Read the following texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D].
Text 1
In ancient Greece, athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious associations. The Olympian athletic festival held every four years in honor of Zeus, King of the Olympian Gods, eventually lost its local character, and became first a national event and then, after the rules against foreign competitors had been abolished, international.① No one knows exactly how far back the Olympic Games go, but some official records date from 776 B.C.
The games took place in August on the plain by Mount Olympus. Many thousands of spectators gathered from all parts of Greece, but no married woman was admitted even as a spectator. Slaves, women and dishonored persons were not allowed to compete. The exact sequence of events is uncertain, but events included boy’s gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, horse racing and field events, though there were fewer sports involved than in the modern Olympic Games.②
On the last day of the Games, all the winners were honored by having a ring of holy olive leaves placed on their heads. So great was the honor that the winner of the foot race gave his name to the year of his victory. Although Olympic winners received no prize money, they were, in fact, richly rewarded by their state authorities. How their results compared with modern standards, we unfortunately have no means of telling.
After an uninterrupted history of almost 1,200 years, the Games were suspended by the Romans in 394 A.D. They continued for such a long time because people believed in the philosophy behind the Olympics: the idea that a healthy body produced a healthy mind, and that the spirit of competition in sports and games was preferable to the competition that caused wars.③ It was over 1,500 years before another such international athletic gathering took place in Athens in 1896.
Nowadays, the Games are held in different countries in turn. The host country provides vast facilities, including a stadium, swimming pools and living accommodation, but competing countries pay their own athletes’ expenses.
The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, lighted on Mount Olympus by the suns rays. It is carried by a succession of runners to the stadium. The torch symbolized the continuation of the ancient Greek athletic ideas, and it burns throughout the Games until the closing ceremony. The wellknown Olympic flag, however, is a modern conception:the five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents participating in the Games.④

1.association n.①协会,联盟,社团②联合,结合,交往:professional association专业团体/association with British people和英国人有来往
○同 associate v.①使联合②(在思想上)把…联系在一起③(with)结交n.同事,合伙人a.副的:associate in a common cause为共同之目标联合/be associated with sb. in business在生意上与某人有联系/an associate professor一位副教授
2.abolish v.彻底废除,废止:abolish a law废除法律/abolish state pensions取消养老金
3.spectator n. 观众
4.sequence n.①次序,顺

序②连续,接续,一连串:out of sequence不成顺序/a sequence of steps连续的措施
5.involve v.①包括,包含②涉及,牵涉③使卷入,使参与:involve so much work有那么多的工作/involve some students涉及一些学生/be involved in trouble卷入纠纷
○派 involvement n.①卷入②牵连
6.holy a.①神圣的,圣洁的②虔诚的:a holy pledge神圣的誓言/a holy person圣洁的人/the holy followers of Buddha虔诚的佛教信徒
7.suspend vt.①暂停,中止②悬,挂,吊:suspend a rule 暂不实行一项规定/A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us. 我们头顶上的天花板吊着一盏灯。
○派 suspension n.①暂停,延缓②悬挂:the suspension of a law 法律的暂停实施/a suspension of fine sand in the water 水中的细沙悬浮物
8.accommodation n.住处,膳宿:accommodation agencies房屋代理商/book(engage) accommodations at a hotel向旅馆预定房间
○同 accommodate v.①使适应,顺应②向…提供住处③容纳:accommodate oneself to new conditions使适应新环境/accommodate for the night留住一夜
9.succession n.①连续,接续②一连串,一系列③接替,继任:in succession连续地/a succession defeat一连串的失败/claim the succession要求继承(权)
○同 successive a.接连的,连续的:successive attempts一个接一个的尝试
※1.interlock v. 使连接,使互相扣住

1.In ancient Greece, the Olympic Games
[A] were merely national athletic festivals.
[B] were in the nature of a national event with a strong religious color.
[C] once had rules which put foreign participants in a disadvantageous position.
[D] were primarily national events with few foreign participants.
2.In the early days of ancient Olympic Games,
[A] only male Greek athletes were allowed to participate in the Games in.
[B] all Greeks, irrespective of sex, religion or social status, were allowed to take part in.
[C] all Greeks, with the exception of women, were allowed to compete in Games.
[D] all male Greeks were qualified to compete in the Games.
3.The order of athletic events at the ancient Olympics
[A] has not definitely been established.
[B] varied according to the number of foreign competitors.
[C] was decided by Zeus, in whose honour the Games were held.
[D] was considered unimportant.
4.Why cannot modern athletes’ results be compared with those of ancient ones?
[A] Because the Greeks had no means of recording the results.
[B] Because they are much better.
[C] Because details such as the time were not recorded in the past.
[D] Because they are much worse.
5.Nowadays, the athletes’ expenses are paid for
[A] out of the prize money of the winners.
[B] out of the funds raised by the competing nations.
[C] by the athletes themselves.
[D] by contributions.

难 点 突 破
1.(The Olympian athletic) festival (held every four years in honor of Zeus, {King of the Olympian Gods}), eventually lost its local character, and became first a national event and then, [after the rules against foreign competitors had been abolished], international.
复合句。主句主语为the Olympian athletic festival, held…过去分词短语作定语修饰festival, in honor of Zeus为状语; King of the Olympian Gods 作Zeus的同位语;lost 为第一个谓语, its local character为其宾语;became为第二个谓语, 它跟了两个并列表语,a national event和international, 其中after the rules against foreign competitors had been abolished 为状语从句。
2.The exact sequence (of events) is uncertain, but events included boys gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, horse racing and field events, [though there were fewer sports involved than in the modern Olympic Games].
并列复合句。转折连词but 引导并列句,它之后的分句中 events为主语,谓语为 included,其余为宾语;though 引导让步状语从句, 其中involved修饰 sports。
3.They continued [for such a long time] [because people believed in the philosophy behind the Olympics: {the idea that a healthy body produced a healthy mind, and that the spirit of competition in sports and games was preferable to the competition (that caused wars)}].
多重复合句。because引导原因状语从句,该从句中 believed in 为谓语,the philosophy为宾语,the idea作philosophy的同位语;and连接的两个that从句是同位语从句,修饰the idea;在第二个定语从句中that caused wars又作competition的定语从句。
4.(The well-known Olympic) flag, however, is a modern conception:(the five interlocking) rings symbolize the uniting (of all five continents participating in the Games).
并列句。冒号连接两个并列句,后一句是对前一句的进一步说明,前句中The wellknown Olympic flag为主语;is a modern conception为系动词和表语;第二个句子中the uniting of all five continents为symbolize的宾语, 而 participating in the Games作定语修饰continents。

全 文 翻 译
在古希腊,运动节日很重要而且与宗教紧密相关。1) 为纪念奥林匹亚山的众神之主宙斯, 奥林匹克运动节每四年举办一次,而它最后失去了地区特色:先是演变为全国性的运动会, 当反对外国运动员参加的规定被废除后,又继而成为了国际性的运动会。没有人确切地知道奥运会可以追溯到何时,但是一些官方的记载可以追溯到公元前776年。
运动会八月份在奥林匹斯山旁边的平原举行。成千上万的观众从希腊各地聚集到这里,但是已婚妇女连做观众的资格都没有。奴隶、妇女和那些声誉不好的人不允许参加竞赛。2) 项目的确切顺序并不确定。尽管相对于现代奥运会来说项目很少,但是依然包括少年体操、拳击、摔跤、赛马以及一些田径项目。
奥运会经过大约1,200 年未间断的历史之后,公元394年被罗马人取消了。3) 运动会连续举办了很长一段时间,因为人们相信奥林匹克蕴含的精神:健康的体魄产生健康的思想,体育运动中的竞争精神比导致战争的竞争要更可取。大约1500年之后,1896年国际性的运动员大聚会才又在雅典举行。
火炬进入体育场标志着奥运会正式开始。火炬是在奥林匹斯山上被太阳光点燃的,它由许多长跑运动员接力传递到比赛场。火炬象征着古希腊运动思想的延续,它将一直燃烧到运动会的闭幕式。4) 可是,著名的奥运会会旗却是一个现代的概念;相互串连在一起的五环象征着参加运动会的五个大洲紧密团结在一起。

1.选[C],事实细节题。文章第一段第二句表明古代奥运会演变的历史,由地区性的到全国性的再到世界性的, 而[A]和[B]限于national,因此错误;同样此句说明当反对外国参赛者的规定取消后,奥运会成为国际性的,因此[C]正确;而[D]的primarily national 和few foreign participants 文章并未具体详述。
2.选[A],事实细节题。文章第二段第三句说明奴隶、 妇女和声誉不好的人不允许参加竞赛, 因此只有[A]符合文义。
3.选[A],事实细节题。第二段第四句说明奥运会比赛项目的确切顺序不得而知,而 [B]、[C]和[D]均未提及, 因此不符合题意。
4.选[C],推理判断题。第三段第四句讲到古希腊奥运会运动员的成绩和现代运动员的成绩相比较怎么样时,作者谈到“we unfortunately have no means of telling”,所以[B]和[D]错误;根据文章我们不知是希腊人没有办法记录这些成绩,还是我们无法得到这些记录,因此, [A]过于绝对,故错误。
5.选[B],事实细节题。第五段第二句告诉我们“competing countries pay their own athletes’ expenses”,因此,只有[B]正确。[A]、[C]和[D]均不符。

Text 2
Public relations is management function that creates, develops, and carries out policies and programs to influence public opinion or public reaction about an idea, a product, or an organization. The field of public relations has become an important part of the economic, social and political pattern of life in many nations. That field includes advertising, promotional activities, and press contact. Public relations also exists at the same time in business with marketing and merchandising to create the climate in which all selling functions occur.①
Public relations activities in the modern world help institutions to cope successfully with many problems, to build prestige for an individual or a group, to promote products, and to win elections. The majority of public relations workers are staff employees working within a corporate or institutional framework. Others operate in public relations counseling firms.
In industry, public relations personnel keeps management informed of changes in the opinions of various publics (that is, the groups of people whose support is needed): employees, stockholders,customers, suppliers, dealers, the community, and the government.② These professionals counsel management as to the impact of any action or lack of action on the behavior of the target audiences. Once an organizational decision has been made, the public relations person has the task of communicating this information to the public using methods that promote understanding, and desired behavior.③ For example, a hospital merger, an industrial plant closing, or the introduction of a new product all require public relations planning and skill.
Public relations activities are a major part of the political affairs in many nations. Politicians seeking office, government agencies seeking acceptance and cooperation, officials seeking support for their policies, and foreign governments seeking aid and allies abroad all make extensive use of counseling services provided by public relations specialists.④
Public relations also plays an important role in the entertainment industry. The theater, motion pictures, sports, restaurants, and individuals all use public relations services to increase their business or add to their image. Other public relations clients are educational, social service and charitable institutions, trade unions, religious groups, and professional societies.
The successful public relations practitioner is a specialist in communication arts and persuasion. Specialized skills are required to handle public opinion research, media relations, direct mail activities, institutional advertising, publications, film and video production, and special events. Public relations services are so far virtually unused in many developing nations, but they are likely to be a future government concern.

1.reaction n.①反应,反作用②(against)反动,对抗:one’s reaction to a tragic accident对不幸事故的反应/His work has never been a reaction against the abstract expression.
○同 react v.①反应,做出反应②[+against]反对,反动,反其道而行:react to light对光起反应/react strongly against tax increases强烈反对增税
2.promotional a.促销的,提升的:a promotional job推销工作
○同 promotion n.促进,晋升,促销:the promotion of friendship友谊的增进
○同 promote vt.①促进,增进,发扬②提升,提拔③宣传,推销(商品等):promote understanding促进了解/promote sb. from sth. to sth.提升某人至某职位/promote new books推销新书
3.merchandise v.推销,买卖n.商品,货物:Books can be merchandised like other products. 书籍像其他产品一样,也可以推销。the sell of such merchandise此种产品的销售/general merchandise日用品
4.prestige n. ①威信,威望②影响,吸引力,魅力:a man of high prestige 一个具有崇高威望的人/His new position has much prestige.他的新职位很令人羡慕。
○派 prestigious a. 有威信的,有威望的:the most prestigious school in this country 这个国家中最享盛名的学校
5.institutional a.①社会公共机构的②单调的:institutional sales对公共机构的销售额/institutional furniture单调的家具
○同 institute n.学会,研究所,学院vt.建立,设立:a designing institute设计院
○同 institution n.①制度,习俗②(教育、慈善等)社会公共机构:the institution of slavery 奴隶制度/become a local institution成为当地的习俗/institution of higher learning高等院校
6.framework n.①框架②体制③参照标准,准则,观点:the framework of modern government现代政府的体制/a bridge with a steel framework钢铁结构的桥梁/the moral framework of society社会的道德标准
○同 frame n.①镜框,框架②构架vt.①给…装框②陷害,诬告③制定,表达:the frame of a bed床的框架/frame a photograph给照片装框/frame a case against sb.捏造案子陷害某人/frame a question 拟定问题
7.target n.目标,对象v.把…作为目标:a target market目标市场/right on target一针见血,切中要害/target Chinese market瞄准中国市场
8.merger v.(企业的)合并
9.ally n.①同盟国,联盟②支持者v.结盟,联合:enter the war as an ally of France作为法国盟国参战/be allied with(to) US与美国结盟/ally against sb.联合起来反对某人
10.counsel vt.劝告,提议n.①律师,法律顾问②忠告,劝告③协商,考虑,讨论:counsel silence 请大家安静/counsel for the prosecution 公诉律师/follow one’s counsel 听从某人的劝告/the frequent counsel of the two powers 两大国之间的频繁商讨/keep one’s own counsel将意见(或计划)保密
11.persuasion n.说服,说服力:a method of persuasion说服的方法/speak with great persuasion 讲话很有说服力
○同 persuade v.①说服,劝服②使相信:persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事/persuade sb. of sth.使某人相信某事物
○同 persuasive a.有说服力的,劝诱的
12.motion picture 电影
※practitioner n.从业者

6. In paragraph one, the author mainly tells us
[A] the methods of public relations.
[B] the activities of public relations.
[C] the functions of public relations.
[D] the definition of public relations.
7. According to the text, what would a public relations person
probably do after a decision is made in industry?
[A] Give some suggestions to the decisionmaker.
[B] Set up face-to-face communication with the public.
[C] Organize some special events like press conference.
[D] Plan and have some promotional activities.
8. Which of the following statements isn’t mentioned in the passage?
[A] the various functions involved in the work of a public relations practitioner.
[B] the public relations activities play a very important role in the political life.
[C] the entertainment world attaches great importance to public relations activities.
[D] the field of public relations may cover promotional activities and press conference.
9. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
[A] Public relations plays an important role in the entertainment industry.
[B] All practitioners in public relations are good at persuasion.
[C] Public relations is mainly popular in advanced countries.
[D] Public relations has not been heard of in developing countries.
10. Based on the information from the text, which of the following people do you think can benefit most from public relations services?
[A] Stockholders. [B] Presidents.
[C] Artists. [D] Scholars.

难 点 突 破
1.Public relations also exists [at the same time] [in business with marketing and merchandising to create the climate (in which all selling functions occur)].
复合句。本句的主干为Public relations also exists;in business…此处为状语;介词with引导的短语作business 的定语;动词不定式短语此处作目的状语,在这个短语中,名词climate 由后面的非限制性定语从句修饰。
2.[In industry], (public relations) personnel keeps management informed of changes (in the opinions of various publics) {that is, the groups of people (whose support is needed):employees, stockholders,customers, suppliers, dealers, the community, and the government}.
复合句。主句的主语为public relations personnel,谓语动词为keep,宾语为management,后面的形容词短语informed of …作补语;名词changes 后面的介词短语作定语修饰changes;注意此处冒号起解释的作用;“management”此处指“管理人员,管理层”。
3.[Once an organizational decision has been made], (the public relations) person has the task (of communicating this information to the public [using methods (that promote understanding, and desired behavior)]).
多重复合句。Once 引导条件状语从句,本句的主干为the public relations person has the task;of 引导的介词短语of communicating this information to the public 作宾语task 的定语,其中communicating…to…的含义为“传达,传递”;后面的分词短语using methods…为方式状语;that 引导的定语从句修饰methods。
4.Politicians seeking office, government agencies seeking acceptance and cooperation, officials seeking support for their policies, and foreign governments seeking aid and allies abroad all make (extensive) use of counseling services (provided by public relations specialists).
复杂的简单句。四个并列的分词短语作主语,谓语动词为词组make…use of ,宾语为counseling services, 后面的分词短语作定语修饰宾语。

全 文 翻 译
公共关系管理的主要作用是创造、发展和实施某些政策和项目,以影响公众观点及公众对于某个思想、某个产品或者某个组织的反应。公共关系领域已经成为许多国家政治、经济和社会生活的一个重要组成部分。这个领域包括广告、推广活动以及同媒体的接触等。1) 公共关系管理同时还存在于同市场开发及销售有关的事物中,主要目的是为了创造一种能够促进各种销售的氛围。
2) 在业界,公关人员会时刻同管理层保持着联系,通知他们各种群体的意见有什么变化,这些群体的组成人员包括:职员、股东、顾客、供应商、贸易伙伴、社区以及政府等,他们的支持对于管理层至关重要。这些职业咨询人员会给经理层提出建议,告诉他们某个活动或者没有进行的活动将会对目标群众的行为产生怎样的影响。3) 组织决策一旦制定,公关人员就负责以最合理的方式将这个信息传递给公众,以促进公众对这一决策的了解并能依照决策者的设想做出相应的行为。比如,医院之间进行合并、某个工厂倒闭关门或者介绍某种新产品等,都需要公关人员的策划和策略。
在很多国家考研关活动在政治事件中也起着举足轻重的作用。4) 政客们寻求官职、政府机构寻求被接受和合作、政府官员们为自己的政策寻求支持、外国政府寻求国外的援助和联盟,所有这些活动都要充分利用公关专家们提供的咨询服务。

6.选[D],主旨大意题。在第一段中,作者指出了“public relations”的定义,重要性以及应用领域。由此可见,作者主要在综述什么是“public relations”,故选项[D]符合题意。选项[A]文中未提及,故错误;选项[B]“公关的活动”在第三段中讲述,故错误;选项[C]“公共关系的功能”在第二段中提及,故不符合题意。
7.选[D],推理判断题。注意本题问的是在企业决策做出后公关人员的活动。文章第三段第三句提到,一旦“an organizational decision”做出后,“the public relations person ”即承担起将这个信息传递给公众的责任,采取某些方式让人们了解这个决定并依照决策者的设想做出“desired behavior”,故选项[D]“计划并进行一些宣传活动”正确。而选项[A]“给决策者提供建议”一般应该是在第四段中所提到的公共关系人员在政治领域中的活动,故错误;选项[B]“与公众建立面对面的交流”只是宣传的一种方式;选项[C]“组织诸如记者招待会之类的活动”一般是娱乐界公关人员的活动方式而非工业界公关人员的做法,故错误。
8.选[A],事实细节题。文章第四段第一句指出“Public relations activities are a major part of the political affairs”,故选项[B]在文中提及;文章第五段第一句指出,公共关系在娱乐界也“play an important role”,故选项[C]在文中提及;文章第一段第三句中指出,“that field (指公共关系领域)includes advertising, promotional activities and press contact ”同选项[D]的意思相吻合,故选项[D]在文中提及;整篇文章主要讲了公关活动的作用,而未详细具体讲公关职业人员工作的各种作用,故[A]符合题目要求。
9.选[C],推理判断题。选项[A] 在文章第五段第一句明确提出,而不是infer出来的,故选项[A]不符合题意;文章最后一段第一句中指出,成功的“public relations practitioner”应该是善于说服别人、善于沟通的专家,但是这并不说明所有从业的“public relations practitioners”都善于说服别人,故选项[B]不正确;文章最后一段最后一句中指出,到目前为止,公共关系服务在很多发展中国家没有被实际应用,但并不是说所有发展中国家都没听说过“公共关系”,故无法推断出选项[D];而文章最后一句指出,到目前为止,公共关系服务在很多发展中国家没有被实际应用,故由此可以推断选项[C]正确。
10.选[B],事实细节题。文章第二段第一句指出,公共关系活动能够帮助一些组织成功地解决很多问题,帮助个人和群体“build prestige ”以及“赢得竞选”,可见选项[B]“总统”能够从公关活动中受益。选项[A]“股东”只是属于文章第三段所提及的公众群体之一,他们是公共关系活动的受众,故选项[A]不符合题意;文章第五段讲述了娱乐界公关活动的作用,但未提及艺术家,整篇文章中也未提及学者,故选项[C]和选项[D]不正确。

Text 3
Deanne Julius, a former member of the Bank of England’s monetary policy committee, argued in a recent speech that there is a risk of a significant deflationary period in the main economies between now and 2005. But many of today’s central bankers, brought up to believe that their job is to fight inflation, seem to be underplaying the risk.
Deflation is much more harmful than inflation. Falling prices encourage consumers to postpone spending in the expectation of cheaper goods tomorrow; they also make it impossible to deliver negative real interest rates if these are needed to drag an economy out of recession.① Most dangerous of all is a cocktail of deflation and debt. Deflation pushes up the real burden of debt, while the value of assets linked to that debt, such as house prices, may have to fall even more sharply in nominal terms to return to a fair level.② This has already caused severe balancesheet problems in Japan, and now America and Germany may be at risk: In both countries debts have surged to record levels.
Central bankers in America and Europe — but not in Japan — still have room to cut interest rates. However, the European Central Bank (ECB) held interest rates unchanged at 3.25% on September 12th. So long as inflation remains above the ECB’s target of “less than 2%”, the bank will be in no rush to ease policy. The Fed is also widely expected to keep rates steady at its policy meeting on September 24th. Why wait, when the risks are so lop-sided? Once deflation sets in, monetary policy can do little to revive an economy. If economies perk up and a rate cut turns out to have been unnecessary, it can be reversed: With ample excess capacity, the risk of inflation taking off is low.③
Many central bankers do not seem to grasp that this economic cycle is different from its predecessors. The recession was caused not, as before, by inflation taking off, but by the bursting of an asset-price bubble.④ American economists blame Japan’s deflation on the incompetence of its policymakers. There is some truth in this, but the awkward fact is that post-bubble economies tend to be deflation-prone.
Even with interest rates at zero, Japan might have escaped deflation two years ago, when the American economy was strong, by devaluing the yen. But the world economy cannot pull off that trick. That is why central banks in America and Europe need to heed the danger now. “Deflation is like quicksand,” says Dylan Grice, “easy to get stuck in, more difficult to escape.”

1.deflationary a.通货紧缩的:a deflationary measure通货紧缩的措施
○同 inflation n.通货膨胀,膨胀:beat inflation降低通货膨胀
○反 inflationary a.通货膨胀的,膨胀的
2.underplay v. ①对…轻描淡写,贬低…的重要性:underplay the importance of money in life 贬低金钱在生活中的重要性
3.postpone vt.推迟,延期:postpone plan for the future暂缓规划未来
4.deliver vt.①发表(意见、见解),宣布②解救,拯救③给予(打击等):deliver a speech发表演讲/deliver sb. from … 把某人从…中解救出来/deliver a blow at enemies重击敌人
○派 delivery n.①投递,送交②投递的邮件,发送的货物:guarantee delivery within 3 days保证三天内交货
5.negative a.否定的,消极的:a negative answer否定的答复/negative attitude消极的态度
○反 positive a.①确实的,明确的②积极的,肯定的③正的,阳性的:positive proof确切证据/a positive answer肯定的答复/the positive terminal of a battery电池的正极
6.cocktail n. ①混合物②鸡尾酒会③用海鲜或水果做的菜:a lethal cocktail of drugs 致命的混合药物 /a cocktail party鸡尾酒会
7.nominal a.①名义上的,有名无实的②(费用等)很少,象征性的③名词性的:the nominal leader挂名领导/sell at a nominal price以象征性的价钱卖出/a nominal adjective 名词性形容词
○同 nominate v.提名,任命:nominate sb. as … 任命某人为…
8.lopsided a.不平衡的:lopsided economic development经济的畸形发展
9.revive v.使复苏,恢复:revive an old custom恢复旧习俗
○派 revival n.复苏:a revival of trade贸易的振兴
10.perk v.愉快,活跃或振作起来:perk up 使…愉快起来
11.ample a.充分的,富裕的:have ample time to prepare有足够的时间来准备
○同 amplify vt.①放大(声音等),增强②扩大,详述,进一步阐述:amplify one’s fears增加 某人的恐惧/amplify the matter by illustration用例证详述了这件事
12.excess a.过量的,额外的n.过量,过剩:in excess of超过/an excess of enthusiasm过分热心
○派 excessive a.过多的,过分的:excessive speed超速
13.capacity n.①容量②才能,能力③身份,职位:mobile telecommunications capacity移动通讯容量/wide variation in capacity能力上的巨大差异/speak in an official capacity以官方身份发言
○同 capability n.①能做某事的素质,能力②[pl.]尚未发挥的天资或素质:the capability of man’s senses人类感观能力/have great capability as a singer有当歌手的才能
○同 capable a.①有(潜在)能力的②能…的,有…可能的:be capable of doing sth.有能力做某事/a room capable of 20 people可容纳20人的房间
14.grasp v.①理解,领会②抓紧,抓牢n.①理解,领会②抓紧,抓牢:grasp the main point领会要点/grasp the opportunity抓住机会/have a good grasp of…深刻了解…
15.recession n. (经济的)衰退,衰退期:a recession in the economy (economic recession)经济萧条
16.burst v.①爆炸,爆裂②突然发作,突然发生n.①爆炸,爆裂②爆发,突发:the burst of a bomb炸弹的爆炸/burst into tears放声大哭/burst the balloon把气球弄爆
17.awkward a.难使用的,笨拙的
18.devalue v.贬值,贬低…的重要性:devalue our work贬低我们的工作
19.pull off 完成,赢得:pull off a plan努力实现计划
20.bring up提出:bring up fresh evidence 提出新论据
21.set in开始(并将延续下去)
22.at risk处境危险

5. It can be inferred that many of today’s central bankers
[A] don’t know how to fight deflation.
[B] don’t regard fighting deflation as their job.
[C] don’t pay enough attention to the danger of deflation.
[D] don’t think there exists a risk of deflation.
6. According to the passage, during deflation falling prices might lead to
[A] consumers’ frantic purchasing.
[B] consumers’ suspending their purchasing plan.
[C] an excess of demand over supply.
[D] the delivery of negative real interest rates.
8. The author mentioned the balance-sheet problems in Japan in order to illustrate the danger of
[A] a cocktail of deflation and debt.
[B] zero interest rates.
[C] economic recession.
[D] wrong monetary policies.
4. The author’s attitude towards deflation is
[A] frightened. [B] worried.
[C] unconcerned. [D] confused.
10. It seems that American and European central bankers don’t know
[A] they still have room to cut interest rates.
[B] the recession this time was caused by the bursting of an assetprice bubble.
[C] Japan’s deflation was not due to the incompetence of its policymakers.
[D] the world economy might escape deflation with zero interest rates.

难 点 突 破
1.Falling prices encourage consumers to postpone spending [in the expectation of cheaper goods tomorrow]; they also make it impossible to deliver negative real interest rates [if these are needed to drag an economy out of recession].
并列句。由分号隔开两个并列分句;第一个分句是简单句,encourage consumers to postpone是谓语动词+宾语+宾补的结构,spending是动名词作postpone的宾语,in the expectation of cheaper goods是介词短语作状语;第二个分句是复合句,主句是they also make it impossible to deliver…,其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to deliver…;if引导的是条件状语从句。
2.Deflation pushes up the real burden of debt, [while the value of assets linked to that debt, such as house prices, may have to fall even more sharply in nominal terms to return to a fair level].
复合句。主句是Deflation pushes up the real burden of debt;while引导的是比较状语从句,其中to return to a fair level是不定式短语作从句中的目的状语。
3.[If economies perk up and a rate cut turns out to have been unnecessary], it can be reversed: [With ample excess capacity], the risk (of inflation taking off) is low.
并列句。冒号隔开两个分句,后一个分句对前一个分句有补充说明的作用。第一个分句是复合句,主句是it can be reversed,if引导的是条件状语从句,该从句由两个并列分句构成,economies perk up和a rate cut turns out to have been unnecessary;冒号后的分句是个简单句。
4.The recession was caused [not, as before, by inflation taking off, but by the bursting of an assetprice bubble].
简单句。该句由not… but…连接了两个并列状语,by inflation taking off和by the bursting of an asset-price bubble。

全 文 翻 译
通货紧缩比通货膨胀更为有害。1) 价格下降会促使消费者推迟消费以期明天价格会更低;如果需要逆实际利率使经济走出衰退期,价格下降又使得实施逆实际利率不太可能。其中最危险的是通货紧缩与债务搀和在一起。2) 通货紧缩使实际债务负担增加,而与债务相连的资产价值——如房价——可能不得不更急剧地下降,在名义上恢复到一个公正的水平。在日本,这已经引起了严重的资产负债表上的问题。现在美国和德国也可能处境危险:在这两个国家,债务之高已达到创记录的水平。
在美国和欧洲——但不是在日本——中央银行家们仍觉得有降息的余地。然而,欧洲中央银行在9月12日保持3.25%的利率不变。只要通货膨胀维持在欧洲央行“低于2%”的目标以上,银行就不急于放松政策。美联储的成员在其9月24日的政策会议上也普遍地期待保持利率稳定不变。危险已经这样一面倒了,为什么还要等呢?通货紧缩一旦来临,货币政策对经济复苏影响甚微。3) 如果经济振作起来,证明没有必要降息,可以将其彻底改变:由于有充足的超额容量,通货膨胀急剧上升的危险就很低。
许多中央银行家似乎没有明白,这次的经济周期与以往的不同。4) 这次经济萧条不是像以前一样由通货膨胀引起,而是由资产价值泡沫的破灭引起。美国经济学家将日本的通货紧缩归咎于其政策制定者的无能。这其中有些道理,但令人尴尬的事实是后泡沫经济往往容易出现通货紧缩。

11.选[C],推理判断题。第一段最后一句说许多中央银行的负责人似乎在underplaying the risk,underplay意为“对…轻描淡写,对…不充分重视”,[C]是其同义转述。不重视并不意味着不知道如何对付,排除[A];文中的brought up to believe that their job is to fight inflation表示近年来通货膨胀远远多于通货紧缩,这些人已习惯于时刻准备抵制通货膨胀,而忽略了通货紧缩的可能性,并不是说他们认为抵制通货紧缩不是他们的工作职责,排除[B];underplay并不表示完全否认,排除[D]。
12. 选[B],事实细节题。[B]是第二段中postpone spending的同义转述。[A]“消费者的疯狂购买”与文义相反,且不符常理,排除[A];[C]“相对于供给来说过度的需求”与[A]其实是一样的意思,排除[C];[D]与文中make it impossible to deliver negative real interest意义正好相反,排除[D]。
13. 选[A],事实细节题。第二段中有Most dangerous of all is a cocktail of deflation and debt,紧接着下句说明了为什么通货紧缩和债务同时发生危害更大,然后就举了日本资产负债的问题为例子,可见日本的例子是为了说明通货紧缩和债务合并的危害,故选[A]。零利率在最后一段首句提到,但这是解决通货紧缩的手段而不是danger,排除[B];[C]的表述太宽泛;由第四段末尾两句可看出,作者并不认为日本的状况完全是由错误的制定政策造成的,排除[D]。
14. 选[B],观点态度题。文章开头便提到近期有a risk of a significant deflationary period,接下来谈到通货紧缩的危害性,并指出一旦发生,便很难矫正,另外一再提到欧美国家的中央银行负责人似乎并没有意识到这一点,所以,作者对此深表忧虑,故选[B]。
15. 选[B],事实细节题。文章主要谈论的是欧美的情况,偶尔拿日本举个例子,所以第四段开头的many central bankers指的就是欧美国家的中央银行负责人,第四段第二句明确表示这些负责人未意识到这次经济萧条是由资产价值泡沫的破灭造成的,故选[B]。文章第三段确实提到欧美一些国家降息力度不够,但这是因为政策制定者认为没必要降那么多,而不是不知道还有降息空间,排除[A];第四段最后两句表明美国经济学家认为日本的状况是由其政策制定不当所致,且作者认为这有一定的道理(There is some truth in this),也就是说,日本的状况确实是由政策制定不当引起,而且欧美国家人士也知道这一点,排除[C];最后一段中But the world economy cannot pull off that trick表明世界经济不能通过那个方法(实行零利率,使本国货币贬值)来脱离通货紧缩,排除[D]。

Text 4
Engineers and scientists working on NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover project are in the final stages of readying the twin robots for launch and picking safe and scientifically rewarding landing sites on the Red Planet.① During the past two years, Mars scientists have mulled over some 185 landing sites. They have debated the merits of each, and continue to wrestle with a matrix of maddening worries — from high winds, dust and swings of daylight temperatures to dangerous rocks that might cripple chances for successfully landing and operating the robots.②
Four landing locales have been culled from a huge list of promising sites. Each has its merits as well as drawbacks. “First and foremost, of course, is the fact that if you don’t land safely you don’t get any science back. This is in fact the first time that site selection has used science to triage landing sites on Mars,” said John Grant, co-chair of the Landing Site Steering Committee.
Those landing locations are on the table because they address the science objectives of the rover missions: Determine if water was present on Mars and whether there are conditions favorable to the preservation of evidence for ancient life.③ Each wheeled rover carries the Athena package of science gear. That array of equipment has undergone rigorous calibration and testing. Matching Athena’s performance to the right site to maximize scientific output and achieve testing of scientific hypotheses is crucial.④
Each rover will have a primary mission lasting at least three months on the Martian surface. Manning served similar duty for the Mars Pathfinder/Sojournerrover mission that touched down on the Red Planet in July 1997. The project was less than three years from start to launch. Manning said, “We had to do so much over again. So many parts of the system we had to go back and reengineer for this larger mass vehicle. For instance, the huge gaggle of airbags that cocoons each rover during hard landing has been dropped — tested some 50 times. Early tests proved worrisome — so much so that significant beefing up of the airbags was necessary. Similarly, there were a number of ill-fated tests ofthe MER parachute system. That too demanded considerable extra work to iron out a mission trouble spot.”
For Jim Garvin, NASA led scientists for Mars exploration,MER is the first real taste of the surface. The twin rovers armed with the Athena science payload will calibrate the whole community on what Mars is truly like. He said, “I like to call rocks ‘Mother Natures artifacts’. I think what MER will give us is far less confusion about two very different types of sites.”

1.ready v. 准备好,使准备好a.①准备就绪的②乐意的,情愿的③快要…的,动辄…的④手头现成的,预先准备好的⑤迅速的,立即的:ready tea and cake 准备好茶点 /a ready helper 乐于助人者/a wall that looks ready to collapse 看起来要倒塌的墙/a ready consent 马上表示同意
2.rewarding a.值得的,有益的:a very rewarding job一件非常有价值的工作/a rewarding attempt有益的尝试
○同 reward n.①报答,奖赏②报酬,酬金vt.报答,酬谢,奖励:expect substantial rewards 期望得到优厚的报酬/reward according to sb’s deserts论功行赏/reward your kindness酬谢你的好意
3.debate v.辩论,争论n.辩论,争论:debate the financial situation 辩论财政形式/hot parliamentary debate国会激烈的辩论
4.merit n.①长处,优点,价值②功绩,功劳vt.值得,应受:literary merit文学上的价值/recognize one’s merit承认某人的成绩/merit serious consideration值得认真考虑
5.wrestle v. ①努力解决,全力对付②摔跤,角力③斗争,搏斗④深思,斟酌:wrestle with economic problems 努力解决经济问题/wrestle with sb. 和某人角力/wrestle with difficulty 和困难作斗争/wrestle over the wording of the communique 斟酌公报的措辞
6.swing v.①摇摆,摇荡②突然转向n.①摆动,摇摆②秋千:swing to and fro摇来摆去/take a swing at sb.朝某人挥手一击/in full swing正在全力进行中/The ship is swinging around.船正在掉头。
7.cripple v.①使跛②严重削弱n.跛子,伤残人(或动物):cripple his right arm使他的右臂残废/
be financially crippled财政拮据
8.foremost a.首要的,最佳的:the foremost conductor最杰出的乐队指挥/first and foremost首要的是,首先
9.crucial a.至关重要的,决定性的:a crucial election决定性选举/at a crucial time在关键时刻
10.launch v.①发射②发动,发起,推出③[+into,+in]使开始从事n.①发射②(新产品)投产:launch an attack发动攻击/launch into a new career开始一种新的职业/the launch of a space vehicle航天器的发射
11.vehicle n.①传播媒介,工具,手段②交通工具,车辆:strategic nuclear delivery vehicles运载战略核武器的航天火箭/vehicle identification numbers汽车牌照号码/mechanically propelled vehicles机动车辆
12.worrisome a. 令人担心的,令人发愁的:a worrisome time 一段叫人提心吊胆的日子
13.significant a.重要的,意义重大的:a significant piece of legislation一项重大立法
○同 significance n.①意义,含义②重要性,重大:take on a new significance获得新的意义/an event of significance具有重大意义的事件
○反 insignificant a.无关紧要的, 无价值的:insignificant person小人物
14.parachute n.降落伞vi.跳伞vt.伞投,空投
15.exploration n.①探索②勘探,探测:space exploration太空探索/geological exploration地质勘探
○同 explore v.①勘探,勘查,探测②仔细查阅,探索,探究:explore the new continent考察这块新大陆/explore for oil勘探石油/explore the secret探索秘密
16.beef up加强,补充:beef up the air force加强空军
17.iron out消除,解决:iron out misunderstandings消除误会/iron out problems解决问题
※1.mull over 反复思考
※2.cull v.精选
※3.triage v.挑选
※4.calibration n.校准
※5.matrix n. 矩阵
※6.rovern. 漫游者
※7.gagglen. 嘎嘎叫
※8.cocoon v. 把…紧紧包住,把…密封起来

16.What does the author mean by “wrestle with a matrix of maddening worries” ( Paragraph 1)?
[A] Fight for the threat of some tricky problems.
[B] Evaluate the advantages of each landing site.
[C] Try to find the solutions of many complex problems.
[D] Deal with how to operate robots successfully.
17. What is the most important thing for scientists to do in exploration of the Mars?
[A] To determine if conditions are favorable for the preservation of evidence for ancient life.
[B] To find the most appropriate landing sites.
[C] To achieve testing of scientific hypotheses.
[D] To calibrate and test the equipment.
18.The safe and scientifically rewarding landing sites on the Mars are
[A] locales where the robots can land and determine if there is water on Mars.
[B] locations where scientists can get something unknown about Mars.
[C] sites that do no harm to astronomers and can provide scientific information.
[D] locales where the twin robots can land safely and get scientific information from Mars.
19.Mannings statement implies that
[A] many parts of the system had to be reengineered.
[B] NASA attaches great importance to the MER project.
[C] scientists are not sure about the MER project.
[D] the MER parachute system had to be tested.
20.What is this passage mainly about?
[A] Scientists are heating up the exploration of Mars.
[B] Scientists are trying to find landing sites on the Red Planet.
[C] Scientists are getting scientific information from Mars.
[D] Scientists are knowing little about the four spots on Mars.

难 句 突 破
1.Engineers and scientists (working on NASAs Mars Exploration Rover project) are in the final stages (of readying the twin robots for launch and picking safe and scientifically rewarding landing sites on the Red Planet).
简单句。该句虽长,在结构上却是个简单句,只是包含很多分词短语和动名词短语作修饰成分。句子主干为Engineers and scientists …are in the final stages…其中working on NASAs Mars Exploration Rover project 是现在分词短语修饰主语,readying the twin robots for launch 和picking … landing sites 是两个并列的动名词短语of 构成介宾短语,修饰stages。
2.They have debated the merits of each, and continue to wrestle with a matrix of maddening worries—from high winds, dust and swings of daylight temperatures to dangerous rocks (that might cripple chances for successfully landing and operating the robots)].
复合句。句子主干为They have debated … and continue to wrestle with …;破折号后面用from …to…的结构列举了一系列的例子补充说明前文中的maddening worries (让人深感头痛的问题);句子最后that might cripple chances for…是个定语从句,修饰from … to …连接起来的一系列问题;句中wrestle with 原义是“与…搏斗”,在此引申为“苦苦思索以找出答案”,matrix本为数学术语,“矩阵”,在此表示各种各样的难题交叉存在。
3.(Those landing) locations are on the table [because they address the science objectives of the rover missions: Determine
if water was present on Mars and whether there are conditions favorable to the preservation of evidence for ancient life].
多重复合句。句子中包含because引导的原因状语从句,从句中又包含一个并列句,以冒号隔开,冒号后是动词原形determine引导的祈使句,补充说明上文的science objectives,其中if和 whether分别引导一个从句,作determine的宾语。
4.Matching Athenas performance to the right site to
maximize scientific output and achieve testing of scientific hypotheses is crucial.
简单句。该句主语偏长,因为动名词短语matching Athenas performance to the right site 后跟了两个不定式短语to maximize scientific output 和 achieve testing of scientific hypotheses 表示目的,句子主干为 Matching … is crucial.

全 文 翻 译
1) 在美国国家航空航天局从事火星探险漫游者项目的工程师和科学家们准备发射一对孪生机器人以及挑选安全、有利于科学研究的火星着陆点的工作已进入最后阶段。在过去的两年里,火星科学家们对185个着陆点进行了反复思考。2) 他们曾对每个着陆点的优点都进行了考虑,并在继续努力解决令人担忧的一系列问题——从高压风、尘埃、昼夜温度剧变到危险的岩石,它们都会影响成功降落和机器人运行的可能性。
3) 那些着陆点被反复讨论是因为对着陆点的选择就说明了这次漫步计划的科学目标:确定火星上是否有水,是否存在有利于存留古代生命遗迹的自然条件。每个轮式漫游者都装载着雅典娜成套科学设备,这一系列设备经过了严格的校准和测试。4) 使雅典娜的性能与正确的着陆点相适应以获得最大的科技成果并成功验证科学假设是至关重要的。

16.选[C],语义理解题。第一段第三句破折号后的内容应该是对前面内容的进一步补充说明:高压风、尘埃等会影响成功降落和机器人运行的可能性。前面又指出科学家们正对着陆点进行考虑,因此这句话的意思是要找到解决办法,[C]项正是此意。[A]项本身错误,“fight for…”是为…而战的意思,文中并无此意;[B]项和前文重复,并与后文无法形成合理逻辑;[D]项太具体,并且无法和上文合理连接。
17.选[C],事实细节题。该题答案出现在第二段第二句以及第三段最后一句。文中的first and foremost和crucial都表示至关重要的意思。第三段最后一句的句子主干说Matching … is crucial,而marthing 的目的又是to maximize scientific output和achieve testing of scientific hypotheses,所以归根结底对火星的探索中最重要的事情是得到最大量的科学成果和对许多科学假想进行验证,[C]是其中之一;[A]过于片面,只是在选择着陆点时要考虑的问题,而不是整个火星探索计划中的最重要的一点;[B]和[D]只是对火星进行科学探索的必要前提,而不是最终目标。
18.选[D],事实细节题。从题干中landing sites的两个修饰语safe和scientifically rewarding即可看出理想的着陆点应该是安全的并能获取科学资料的地方,故选[D];[A]中的determine if there is water on Mars只是获取有关火星科学信息中的具体的一点,过于片面;[B]的概括漏掉了安全降落这一必要前提;文中多次提到该项计划将由两个机器人(the twin robots)完成,而不是宇航员(astronomers),排除[C]。
20.选[A],主旨大意题。文章第一、二段介绍了科学家们在选择飞船着陆点上的慎重,第三、四段介绍了该项计划的首要目的及为确保成功所做的各种缜密的准备和检测工作,概括起来应该就是[A]的内容,即加紧对火星的探索;[B]是第二、三段的主旨,不能全面概括全文;[C]的概括不准确,文章最后一段提到MER is the first real taste of the surface,说明人类马上但目前还未能得到关于火星的科学信息;第2段首句提到选出的四个地点各有利弊,因此排除[D]。

Part B
Directions: The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 2125,you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list [A]—[G] to fill in each numbered box. The first and the last paragraphs have been placed for you in boxes.

[A] The fundamental challenge is to maximize the benefits which digital technology provides us, while minimizing the downside risks. So, what can we do to control computer crimes? We should emphasize prevention. It is a great deal more difficult to purse an online offender to the ends of the earth than to prevent the offence in the first place. The cliché “the prevention is better than cure” is nowhere more appropriate than in cyberspace. It applies no less to high technology crime than it does to residential burglary. Just as one should be most unwise to leave one’s house unlocked when heading off to work in the morning, so too is it foolish to leave one’s information systems accessible to unauthorized persons.
[B] It is imperative to foster international cooperation because transnational electronic crime seems destined only to increase.
[C] What can we do about all these risks? All of this might appear formidable, but pulling the plug, and returning to the pre-digital age is no longer an option, because in a real sense, the genie is already out of the bottle. Not only do digital technologies provide us with unprecedented opportunities, but also the completive nature of the global economy requires that we ride the wave of technology.
[D] It has almost become trite to suggest that we are entering an age as significant and profound in its impact as was the Industrial Revolution. The convergence of computing and communications has already affected most, if not all, of the major institutions of society. It has created unprecedented opportunities for education, health services, recreation and commerce. Unfortunately, it has also created unprecedented opportunities for crime. Identifying the vulnerabilities for crimes, and mobilizing appropriate countermeasures will be one of the great challenges of this century. This challenge is so great that it defies the capacity of law enforcement alone to control.
[E] I think most of us would agree that the world is a shrinking place. On the one hand, this shrinking is highly beneficial. People around the world now enjoy economic, cultural and recreational opportunities which were previously not accessible. On the other hand, the rapid mobility of people, money, information, ideas and commodities generally has provided new opportunities for crime, and new challenges for law enforcement agencies. This will require unprecedented cooperation between nations, and will inevitably generate tensions arising from differences in national values, even within nations, tensions between such values, as privacy and the imperatives of law enforcement will be high in the public agenda. Most probably new organizational forms will emerge to combat new manifestations of criminality.
[F] We should enhance the Capacity of Law Enforcement. The continuing increase of digital technology around the world means that law enforcement agencies will be required to keep abreast of rapidly developing technologies. As new technologies are exploited by criminals, it becomes even more important for law enforcement not to be left behind.
[G] Cyber crime can be committed from the other side of the world as easily as it can from one’s own city. Conversely, one can break the law somewhere on the other side of the globe from one’s bedroom. Given the fact that cyberspace knows no boundaries, and that computer crime often transcends national frontiers, effective countermeasures will also require a degree of international cooperation which is without precedent. To make things worse, there may be a lack of agreement between authorities in different jurisdictions about whether or not the activity in question is criminal at all.
D → 21→ 22→ 23→ 24→ 25→ E

1.cyberspace n.虚拟信息空间,网络空间,计算机化世界
2.conversely ad.相反(地):You can add the fluid to the powder, or conversely, the powder to the fluid.你可以将液体加到粉末里,或者相反,将粉末加到液体里。
○同 conversea. a.相反的 n. ①相反的事②交谈,谈心:converse opinions 相反的意见/hold converse with sb. 与某人交谈
3.cooperation n.合作,协作:promote international cooperation促进国际合作
○同 cooperative a.①有合作意向的,乐意合作的②合作的,协作的n.合作社,合作商店(或企业等):agricultural cooperatives in India印度的农业合作社
4.transcend vt.超出,超越(经验、理性、信念等)的范围:transcend one’s knowledge 超出某人的知识范围
5.formidable a.①可怕的,令人畏惧的②难以克服的,难对付的:a man with formidable appearance 外貌使人望而生畏的男子/a formidable problem 一个难以对付的问题
6.plug n.①插头,插座②塞子,栓vt.①把…塞住,用…塞住②给…接通电源:use the plug in the next room 用隔壁房间的插座/put a plug in a sink 在洗涤槽塞上塞子/plug a gap 填补空白/plug in给…接通电源,连接
7.maximize vt.取…最大值,最佳化:maximize their incomes使他们的收入最多
○同 maximum a.最高的,最大的,顶点的n.最大限度,最大量,顶点:a maximum intensity最大强度
○反 minimize vt.①使减少(或缩小)到最低限度②极力贬低,对…作最低估计:minimize the losses把损失减低到最低限
8.appropriate a.适当的,恰当的vt.①私占②拨出(款项等)供专用:appropriate manners适当的态度/ appropriate a great deal of government money 挪用大量公款/appropriate funds for the university 为大学拨出资金
○反 inappropriate a.不合适的,不恰当的:an inappropriate subject不合适的主题
9.enhance vt.提高,增加,加强:enhance
10.imperative a.紧急的,极重要的n.必要的事:It is imperative that…[从句谓语用(should)+原形动词]…是极重要的/an imperative duty必须履行的责任/follow the imperatives of history遵从历史规律
11.recreation n.娱乐活动,消遣:walk and climb mountains for recreation为消遣而散步和爬山
○同 recreate vt.①重做,再创造,使再现②休养,娱乐:recreate the atmosphere of a typical English pub重现典型英国酒吧的气氛/recreate oneself 使自己得到消遣 one’s confidence增强信心
※1.trite a.陈腐的
※2.downside n. 底侧
※3.convergence n. 会合,会聚

全 文 翻 译

21. [G] 22. [C] 23. [A] 24. [F] 25.[B]文章第一段介绍现在计算机和通信的结合已经影响了社会上大部分公共机构,也给犯罪提供了前所未有的机会。找出这些易受犯罪攻击的弱点并启动合适的应对手段的挑战非常大,仅凭法律执行部门本身的控制力量是不够的。最后一段总结,世界变得越来越小一方面是有利的,另一方面给犯罪提供了新的机会,也给法律执行部门带来了新的挑战,很可能将出现新的组织形式来与新的犯罪形式作斗争。分析首尾两段,推测全文会就计算机犯罪及防范展开。第一段讲了This challenge is so great that it defies the capacity of law enforcement alone to control. ,推断下一段可能会具体讲到法律执行部门所遇到的问题。浏览各段,[G]段Cyber crime can be committed from the other side of the world as easily as it can from ones own city… effective countermeasures will also require a degree of international cooperation which is without precedent. To make things worse… 详细解释执法部门遇到的挑战,符合文章的发展逻辑。[G]段既然提出了具体的问题,下一段就很有可能讲到解决问题的方法,[C]段首句What can we do about all these risks? 引出了这一话题,与[G]段逻辑联系紧密。[C]段讲计算机和通信结合已经发展起来,全球经济发展也要求这一技术的支持,我们不能阻止这一技术的发展。既然不能阻止,那么推断下一段可能会是我们能做的是什么。分析各段,[A]段So, what can we do to control computer crimes? 紧接[C]段的What can we do about all these risks?是对如何应对这一挑战的进一步讨论。[A]段提出了应对这一挑战的方法就是加强防范,具体怎样做呢?[B]项和[F]项都是具体的做法,但是[F]项We should… 与[A]段的连接过渡更自然,而且按常理推断应该是先加强执法部门能力,然后才是重视国际合作。

Part C
Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.

What is it that brings about such an intimate connection between language and thinking? Is there no thinking without the use of language, namely in concepts and concept combinations for which words need not necessarily come to mind? Has not every one of us struggled for words although the connection between “things” was already clear?
26) We might be inclined to attribute to the act of thinking complete independence from language if the individual formed or were able to form his concepts without the verbal guidance of his environment. Yet most likely the mental shape of an individual, growing up under such conditions, would be very poor. Thus we may conclude that the mental development of the individual and his way of forming concepts depend to a high degree upon language. This makes us realize to what extent the same language means the same mentality. In this sense thinking and language are linked together.
What distinguishes the language of science from languages as we ordinarily understand the word? How is it that scientific language is international? 27) What science strives for is an utmost acuteness and clarity of concepts as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data. As an illustration, let us take the language of Euclidean geometry and Algebra. They manipulate with a small number of independently introduced concepts, respectively symbols, such as the integral number, the straight line, the point, as well as with signs which designate the fundamental concepts. This is the basis for the construction, respectively definition of all other statements and concepts. The connection between concepts and statements on the one hand and the sensory data on the other hand is established through acts of counting and measuring whose performance is sufficiently well determined.
28) The super-national character of scientific concepts and scientific language is due to the fact that they have been set up by the best brains of all countries and all times. In solitude and yet in cooperative effort as regards the final effect they created the spiritual tools for the technical revolutions which have transformed the life of mankind in the last centuries. Their system of concepts has served as a guide in the bewildering chaos of perceptions so that we learned to grasp general truths from particular observations.
What hopes and fears does the scientific method imply for mankind? I do not think that this is the right way to put the question. Whatever this tool in the hand of man will produce depends entirely on the nature of the goals alive in this mankind. Once these goals exist, the scientific method furnishes means to realize them. Yet it cannot furnish the very goals. 29) The scientific method itself would not have led anywhere, it would not even have been born without a passionate striving for clear understanding.
Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem — in my opinion — to characterize our age. 30)If we desire sincerely and passionately the safety, the welfare and the free development of the talents of all men, we shall not be in want of the means to approach such a state. Even if only a small part of mankind strives for such goals, their superiority will prove itself in the long run.

1.verbal a.①用言辞的,用文字的②口头的③动词的:a verbal picture 生动的文字描述/a verbal agreement 口头协议/verbal inflexions 动词的曲折变化
2.strive / straIv / vi. ①努力,奋斗力求②斗争,反抗:strive toward a goal 朝着一个目标奋斗/strive against fate 同命运搏斗
3.mentality n.①智力②心理:luck mentality侥幸心理/ develop the child’s mentality启发儿童的智力
○同 mental a.①思想上的,心理的②精神病的,治疗精神病的③智力的,脑力的:growth of mental function心理功能的发展/mental illness精神病/a mental test智力测验
4.utmost a.极度的,最远的n.极限,最大可能:the utmost limits极限/get the utmost out of最有效地利用/do one’s utmost竭力,尽全力
5.correspondence n.①符合,一致,相似②信件,函件③通信,通信联系:the correspondence between one’s words and actions言行一致/in correspondence with与…有通信联系
○同 correspond v.①(with)相符合,相一致②(to)相类似③通信:correspond with sb’s needs符合某人的需要/expenses correspond to the income花销与收入相称/correspond with each other互相通信
○同 corresponding a.①相应的,相当的②符合的,一致的:a corresponding rise in production产量相应增加/the corresponding period last year去年同期
6.geometry n.几何(学)
7.manipulate vt.①操纵,控制,影响②(熟练地)操作,使用:manipulate the knobs on the tape recorder 操作磁带录音机的旋纽/use charm to manipulate people用魅力左右人
○派 manipulation n. 操纵,控制
8.designate vt.①标出,把…定名为②指派,委任:designate boundaries 标明疆界/be designated chairman被委任为主席
9.chaos n.混乱,紊乱:a chaos of letters杂乱堆放的信件/live in a state of chaos生活杂乱不堪
10.imply vt. ①暗示,含有…的意思②必然包含:implied criticism 暗含的批评/Freedom does not necessarily imply responsibility.自由不一定包含着责任。
11.furnish v.①供给,提供②装备③布置,配备:furnish sb. with sth.供给某人某物/furnish the mind with knowledge用知识充实大脑/be furnished with备有,陈设有
12.welfare n.①福利②福利救济:welfare of the workers工人的福利/public welfare funds公共福利基金
13.in this sense从这种意义上说:be right in this sense就这种意义来说是对的
14.as regards关于,至于
※ solitude n.独居

考 点 详 解
26.We might be inclined to attribute to the act of thinking complete independence from language [if the individual formed or were able to form his concepts without the verbal guidance of his environment].
【句法分析】含条件状语从句的复合句。句子主干:We might be inclined to …。
1) if引导的是非真实条件句;中文中常用的假设连词有“如果…就…,”所以我们先翻译if从句。
2) without the verbal guidance of his environment指的是“没有外界的语言引导”。
【词汇分析】1) the act of thinking指的是“思考的动作”;2) verbal guidance直译为“口头的导向”,但翻译讲究“信、达、雅”,太生硬就不是中文的表达了,所以翻译为“语言的引导”。
【警示】翻译时,对于might be这样的小词,请注意是否把猜测的意味给翻译出来。
27.What science strives for is (an utmost) acuteness and clarity of concepts
[as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data].
【句法分析】含主语从句的复合句。句子主干:What science strives for is an utmost acuteness and clarity of concepts…。
1) 名词性分句由What引导,在句中作主语(What science strives for),翻译为“科学力求的”。strive for意思为“追求,努力想得到”。
2) 句中的their指的是“concepts”。
【词汇分析】1) as regards意为“关于,对于”;2) acuteness一般是指“急性,灵敏”,在此译作“精确”。
28.(The supernational) character (of scientific concepts and scientific language) is due to the fact {that they have been set up by the best brains of all countries and all times}.
【句法分析】含同位语从句的复合句。句子主干:The supernational character of scientific concepts and scientific language is due to the fact that…。
1) 名词性从句由that 引导,在句中作fact的同位语;被动语态“…have been set up”是指“由…创立的”。
2) be due to的句型,一般翻译为“因为、由于”。
【词汇分析】1) supernational是复合词,意为“超国家的”;2) brain译为“精英人物”。
29.(The scientific) method itself would not have led anywhere, it would [not even] have been born [without a passionate striving for clear understanding].
【句法分析】并列句。句子主干:The scientific method itself would …,it would not even …。
【词汇分析】 动名词striving,understanding分别译为“追求”、“理解”。
【警示】考生问,句中都没有if, in case之类的单词,为什么会翻译出“如果”?要注意本句用了虚拟语气,“would not even have been”就是表示假设的虚拟语气词,要把虚拟语气翻译出来,所以增译“如果”。
30.[If we desire sincerely and passionately the safety, the welfare and the free development of the talents of all men], we shall not be in want of the means (to approach such a state).
【句法分析】含状语从句的复合句。句子主干:If we desire…, we shall not…。if 引导的是一般现在时的虚拟句。
【词汇分析】1) desire something or somebody意思为“想得到…”,“想要…”;2) in want of…指“缺乏,缺少”。
【警示】“the safety, the welfare and the free development of the talents of all men”,拆开来是“the safety of all men, the welfare of all men and the free development of the talents of all men”,所以翻译时把“所有人的”放到最前面才正确。

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26) 如果个人在没有外界的语言引导下形成了或者能够形成自己的观念,我们往往认为思想相对于语言具有完全独立性。然而,在这种条件下成长起来的人,智力情况很可能是十分糟糕的。所以我们可以得出结论,个人智力的发展和他形成概念的方式在很大程度上取决于语言。这使我们认识到在多大程度上语言与之对应的智力水平相同。在这种意义上思想和语言是联系在一起的。
是什么把科学语言与我们平时所理解的语言一词区分开来?为什么科学界的语言是全球通用的呢?27) 就概念的相互关系以及它们与感官数据的一致性而言,科学力求的是概念的极度精确与清晰。让我们以欧几里得的几何学语言和代数学语言为例,它们通过为数不多且相互独立的概念来运作与之一一相应的符号,如整数、直线、点还有代表基本概念的符号。这是结构的基础,分别用来定义所有其他的论点与概念。一边是概念和表述,另一边是感官数据,两者间的联系是通过计算和测量的方式确定的,这些方式的应用经过了高度精确的限定。
28) 科学概念和科学语言这种超越国界的特性根源于以下事实,即他们是由各个国家、各个时代最优秀的精英所建立。无论最终成果是单独完成的还是经过群体的努力,这些精英们都创造了技术革新的精神工具,这些革新在过去的几百年里改变了人类的生活。他们的概念体系在令人困惑的、纷乱的感知过程中起了导航的作用,使我们能从具体的观察中把握住一般的真理。
科学的方法对人类意味着什么样的希望和恐惧呢?我认为这样问并不妥当。科学方法这一工具在人类手中能产生什么完全取决于人类所追求的目标的本质。一旦这些目标存在,科学的方法就会提供实现它们的手段,但是它并不能使每个目标得以实现。29) 科学方法本身并不会通向何方,如果没有对透彻理解的狂热追求, 它甚至无法产生。
在我看来,方法的完美和目标的混乱似乎是我们这个时代的特征。30) 如果我们真诚、热切地渴望所有人得到安全、幸福和才能的自由发展,我们不会缺乏方法来接近这种状态。即使只有小部分人为这样的目标努力,他们自己的优势最终也会不言而喻。

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