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宁波大学(宁大,ningbo university),始建于1986年,位于于浙江省宁波市,是一所我国教育部、浙江省公民政府、宁波市公民政府、国家海洋玖舨建的“世界一流学科缔造高校”,也是浙江省第一批要点缔造高校。该校当选国家“111方百锇教育部杰出医生教育培育方百锇杰出农林人才教育培育方百锇新工科研讨与实习项目”“国家级大学生立异创业练习方案”,是国家大学生自立创业教训方法立异实验区高校,我国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院

ningbo university
comprehensive class double first-class public ordinary undergraduate
ningbo university (ningbo university), founded in 1986, is located in ningbo city, zhejiang province. it is one of the first batch of key universities in zhejiang province and a world-class discipline construction university co-established by the ministry of education, zhejiang provincial people self-employment experimental area colleges and universities teaching mode innovation, the chinese government scholarship students receiving institutions in china, member of cdio engineering education alliance.
ningbo university was founded in 1986. in 1990, ningbo university began to train graduate students jointly with famous universities. in 1996, the former ningbo university, ningbo normal university, and ningbo branch of zhejiang fisheries

university established a new ningbo university. in 2007, the academic degrees committee of the state council approved the addition of ningbo university as a doctors degree authorized unit.

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