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happy people work differently.(快乐的人工作方式与众不同。)they’re more productive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks.(他们更有生产力,更多的创造力,并且更愿意承担更大的风险。)and new research suggests that happiness might influence how firms work, too.(最新的研究发现快乐也可能会影响公司的运营方式。)
companies located in places with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper.(根据最近一份研究论文,公司所坐落的地方人民更快乐,公司就会投资的越多。)in particular, firms in happy places spend more on r&d (research and development).(特别是,公司在快乐的地区会花费更多在研发上面[研究和发展]。)that’s because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking necessary for making investments for the future.(这是因为幸福感与某种长期思维相关联,这种长期思维需要对未来进行投资。)
the researchers wanted to know if the optimism and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would change the way companies invested.(研究者想知道由乐观主义和冒险倾向伴随着的幸福感是否可能会改变公司的投资方式。)so they compared u.s. cities’ average happiness measured by gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas.(所以他们对比了由盖洛普民意测试的美国城市平均幸福指数和这些地区上市公司的投资活跃度。)
sure enough, firms’ investment and r&d intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were headquartered.(百分百确信,公司投资和研发的强度与他们总部所在的这个地区的幸福度相关。)but it is really happiness that’s linked to investment, or could something else about happier cities explain why firms there spend more on r&d?(但是真的是幸福感与投资有关吗?或者是更幸福的城市有其他某方面去解释为什么在那里的公司在

研发上投资的更多?)to find out, the researchers controlled for various factors that might make firms more likely to invest——like size, industry, and sales—— and for indicators that a place was desirable to live in, like growth in wages or population.(为了找出答案,研究人员监控了各种可能让公司变得更喜欢投资的因素——像规模、行业和销售——和一个地区值得居住的指标,想工资和人口的增长速度。)the link between happiness and investment generally held even after accounting for these things.(幸福感与投资之间的联系普遍保持着,甚至在考虑这些因素之后。)
the correlation between happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms, which the authors attribute to “less codified decision making process” and the possible presence of “younger and less experienced managers who are more likely to be influenced by sentiment.”(在幸福感与投资之间的关系在年轻的公司尤为强烈,作者将此归因于“过程不规范”和可能存在着“年轻和更少的经验的经理们更容易被情绪影响。”)the relationship was also stronger in places where happiness was spread more equally.(在幸福感发展更为平等的地方这种关系也会更加牢固。)
while this doesn’t prove that happiness causes firms to invest more or to take a longer-term view, the authors believe it at least hits at that possibility.(而这不能证明幸福感一定会导致公司去投资更多或者采取更长远的观点,作者相信至少存在这种可能。)it’s not hard to imagine that local culture and sentiment would help shape how executives think about the future.(不难想象当地的文化和情感可能会 助塑造高管们对未来的想法。)”it surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward-thinking and creative and lean towards r&d more than the average,” said one researcher.(一个研究者说:“确信看起来是合理的,那就是快乐的人会更有前瞻性和创造力,并比平均水平更倾向于研发。”)

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