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??china’s college graduates can’t find jobs. the solution: grad school.

china’s economy has largely rebounded from the coronavirus pandemic, with data released on monday showing it has become perhaps the only major economy to have grown last year. still, one area remains sorely lacking: the supply of desirable, well-paying jobs for the country’s rapidly?ballooning?count of university graduates. most of the recovery has been fueled by blue-collar sectors such as manufacturing, on which the chinese economy still relies heavily.


with the encouragement of the government, many students are turning to a?stopgap?solution: staying in school. china’s ministry of education announced at the height of the outbreak that it would order universities to expand the number of master’s candidates by 189,000, a nearly 25 percent increase, to ease unemployment. undergraduate?slots?would also increase by more than 300,000.


school is a common landing?pad?worldwide during times of economic uncertainty, but in china, the push to expand enrollment lays bare a long-running problem. even before the pandemic, the country’s graduates complained that there were not enough suit

able jobs. official employment numbers are unreliable, but the authorities said in 2014 that unemployment rates for the college-educated two months after graduation were as high as 30 percent in some areas.


as a result, many chinese have worried that the expansion of graduate slots will increase already fierce competition for jobs, dilute the value of?advanced degrees?or postpone an unemployment crisis.?“are graduate students under?siege?” the headline of one state-controlled publication read.


but in seeking to keep unemployment down for those workers, the government must also be careful not to inflate their hopes, said joshua mok, a professor at lingnan university in hong kong who studies china’s education policy. “it may create a false expectation for those highly skilled people,” professor mok said. “the chinese government has to watch out about how to manage these sorts of expectations.



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