
3 minutes, 26 seconds Read

  a. 小分子药物方案
  b. 小分子激起态光谱
  c. 金属协作物磷光光谱
  d. mof对小分子气体吸附
  e. 大气化学。

  2. 导师简介
  a.陈广慧:男,1972年生,博士,教授。1999年进入吉林大学理论化学核算国家要点实验室后,初步从事理论化学核算研讨。2002年以来宣告有关小分子规划与平稳性、离子-分子反应机理、协作物光谱和纳米管功用化等研谈论文30余篇,均被sci录入,大多宣告在j. phys. chem.、 j. chem. phys.等美国闻名期刊,有理论化学核算领域具有必定的影响力。于2005、2007年先后赴美国加州州立大学和香港大学访学。
  b. 受教育阅历
  o 1999-2004 吉林大学理论化学核算国家要点实验室,硕博联读
  c. 研讨作业阅历
  o 2005-2006, 美国加州州立大学 造访专家
  o 2007-2008, 香港大学, 理学院化学系 高档研讨助理
  o 2008, 6-至今, 汕头大学,理学院化学系 教授, 硕导

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  2. bing zhong1,#, yunmei zhen2,#, guangrong qin1, huaiyu yang1, hualiang jiang1,guanghui chen2,* and kunqian yu1,* progress in studies of structure, mechanism and antagonists interaction of gpcr co-receptors for hiv
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  exploring ring-catalyzed ubiquitin transfer mechanism by md and qm/mm calculations,
  plos. one, 2014, 9(7), e101663. (if=3.534,第一单位)
  4.hui wu, guanghui chen*, yun-peng yu and qiang wang
  theoretical exploration of the half-metallicity of graphenenanoribbons/boron nitride bilayer system
  comput. mat. sci., 2014, 95, 384-392(if=2.2,第一单位)
  5. hai-long liang, guang-hui chen*, and feng-long gu*
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  theoretical study on the reaction mechanisms of ch3o- with o2(x3 g-) and o2(a1δg)
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  dft studies on the interaction of an open-ended single-walled aluminum nitride nanotube (alnnt) with gas molecules
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  rgbf2+ complexes (rg=ar, kr, and xe): the cations with large stabilities
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  confined metallophilicity within a coordination prism
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  theoretical study on structures and stability of gesin and gecp radicals
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  13. zhen-bo liu, zhi-ru li, ming-huizuo, qing-zhong li, fang ma, zhong-jun li, guang-hui chen, chia-chung sun
  rare gas atomic number dependence of the hyperpolarizability for rare gas inserted fluorohydrides, hrgf (rg=he, ar, and kr)
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  14. guang-hui chen, krishnan balasubramanian
  electronic states and stability of gec2n radical
  chem. phys. lett., 2007, 438 (4-6), 162-168.
  15. guang-hui chen, yi-hong ding, xu-ri huang, and chia-chung sun
  theoretical investigation on potential energy surface of csinp isomers
  j. mol. struc.(theochem) 2006, 772(1-3), 51-64.
  16. guang-hui chen, yi-hong ding, xu-ri huang, chia-chung sun
  theoretical study on structures

and stability of si2cp isomers
  j. phys. chem. a, 2005,109( 25), 5619-5624.
  17.hui-ling liu, xu-ri huang, guang-hui chen, yi-hong ding, chia-chung sun
  theoretical study on structures and stability of sic3p isomers
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  18. guang-tao yu, yi-hong ding, xu-ri huang, guang-hui chen, au-chin tang
  theoretical study on structures and stability of nc3s isomers
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  19. hui-ling liu, xu-ri huang, guang-hui chen, yi-hong ding,,chia-chung sun
  sic3n: a promising interstellar molecule with stable cyclic isomers
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  20. guang-hui chen, yi-hong ding, xu-ri huang, ze-sheng li, chia-chung sun
  theoretical investigation on the potential energy surface of si2np molecule
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  21. guang-hui chen, yi-hong ding, xu-ri huang,jian-kang, yu, chia-chung sun
  si2cn: a stable nitrogen-containing radical with cyclic ground state
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  22. guang-hui chen, yi-hong ding, xu-ri huang, ze-sheng li, chia-chung sun
  theoretical study on structures and stability of sic2s isomers
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  23. guang-hui chen, yi-hong ding, xu-ri huang, hong-xing zhang, ze-sheng li, chia-chung sun
  sic2p: a promising molecule with two stable cyclic structures
  j. phys. chem. a, 2002, 106( 43), 10408-10414.
  email: jlucgh@gmail.com
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