
23 minutes, 34 seconds Read


good morning,dear professors.my name is startee.i am 21years old.nice to meet you here.i’m very lucky to have chance for this interview.it’s such a privilege for me to be here and meet all of you today.

i graduated from abcu,majoring in finance.and i think i am a very warm-hearted and quiet person.i want to pursue my master’s degree in economics of education here.also i’m always willing to explore the new world and easily cooperate with others.during my college years,i made great progress in academic work.due to this hard work,i got many scholarships.i also?studyed?as an exchange studengt in taiwan .these experiences really broadened my horizens and also motivated me to continue my syudies.i have significant interest in math education.as i have profound interest in?this major,i’m planning to get further study.

??i have a good command of math which will help me achieve more in this field.i hope i can form a systematic view of math education and lay a solid foundation for my future profession after 2 years ‘ study here.

??i really like the academic atmosphere of bnu. today ,i have the opportunity to participate in this retest,i am really happy.if i am lucky enough to be accepted,i will devote all my energy and efforts to my major.and i hope i can be an excellent teacher after 2 years’ study here.thank you for your consideration.











第一题:本科时刻有没有选修过教育学有关的课程?1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、我在本科时刻因为本专业课程设置的缘由,我没有机缘选修到教育学的课程。?3、尽管我没有有些教育学有关的选修课程,可是因为我本身对教育学比照感快乐喜爱,我自个 读了一些教育学有关的书本,如《学会生计》。以及我自个参加了一些实习和兼职作业,拓 宽了我对教育学的晓得,前进了我自个的实习才能,一起也使我对教育怀有更大的热心!?4、当然我也期望读研的时分跟着各位教师持续去学习一些有关的基础常识和理论。谢谢老 师!?

第二题:宣告的文章?1、谢谢教师的发问!2、我将从以下几个方面临我宣告的文章进行打开叙说:(1)首要从研讨意图来说:在?2021?年因为同享单车的盛行让咱们重视到了同享的概念。所 以咱们想要进行一个学校同享平台的一个探究,发扬桥梁作用,便利在校大学生非常好有利地势用 学校同享本钱。?(2)其次从研讨主题、内容上来说:咱们文章的标题是《学校同享租借平台的实习研讨》, 首要结束项目所需要的商场调研和数据分析,然后进行平台的建立和开发、功用查验与改进, 最终进行学校内推广。然后研讨办法:研讨首要运用问卷查询法,用问卷星发放和收回问卷, 进行数据分析。查询发现本校大学生的收购重视点、本钱放置情况、心思承受才能等。?(3)研讨作用:1前进学校的本钱使用率;2为贫穷生或许其他有需要的学生供给有用的 二手物品;3削减占用私家空间;4为本校留下了一个公益性、效能性的平台;5有利于资 源的循环使用,缔造绿色学校。第三题:介绍对计量经济学的学习?1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、我想计量经济学是一门以计算学为基础的学科。它的的研讨进程大约可以分为:模型设 定、数据搜集、参数估量和模型查验。一般来说,咱们要根究的一个因变量可所以由多个自 变量致使的,此时咱们常树立起多元线性回归模型,使用最小二乘法得到模型的参数;然后 再进行多重共线性的批改,优化原先树立的模型。最终用优化后的模型带入数据核算,与数 据进行比照,核算误差。?3、当然我对计量经济学的学习还非常浅,我期望在研讨生期间可以跟教师们持续深化地学 习运用计量软件。第四题:关于教育经济学的书?1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、我迩来首要看的书是刘泽云和刘志民的《教育经济学》。经过对专业书本的阅览,前进了 我对教育经济学的快乐喜爱。我想教育经济学就是研讨在本钱有限的情况下如何做出对教育投入、 产出、本钱分配、教育功率、以及教师薪酬、学生赞助等疑问做出合理、有功率的抉择计划。?

3、其间我比照感快乐喜爱的是刘志民版另外《教育经济学》中的“舒尔茨余数”有些的说明, 其时对国民经济增加有许多要素是不可以以被说明的,巨大的经济学家舒尔茨经过对“余数” 进行量化分析,核算出了当年教育对经济增加的奉献为?33%。而且他提出了人力本钱理论, 打破了我们关于“本钱”的传统观点。我期望我可以在研讨生期间跟着各位教师学习更多的 研讨办法,探究那些没有被说明的数据不和的隐秘,前进我的研讨才能。谢谢教师!?


1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、假定必定要选一个研讨方向,我想必定是教育本钱分配、教育功率这方面。因为我在义 务教育期间别离承受了广州和河南两个当地的教育,经过我自个的切身领会,我感遭到了教 育本钱不一样的当地的不一样。所以我想尽力于研讨在教育本钱有限的情况下,如何经过合理的 分配与方案资金以抵达最大的产出与前进教育的功率疑问。我期望跟教师具体去学习这些内 容与研讨,争夺可认为家乡的教育作业带来改进!谢谢教师!?

第六题:怎么看学生赞助方针?1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、关于学生赞助方针,我所晓得的就是高校里的学生赞助方针。从意图上来说我认为高校 对学生进行赞助对错常有意义的,首要学生赞助可以保证大学生的根柢日子保证,其实就是 可以在满足物质日子的情况下可以协助大学生进行非常好的打开。高校里的学生赞助体系首要 包括:“奖、贷、助、补、减”。首要方法有:国家奖学金、国家勉励奖学金、国家助学金、 勤工助学、学费减免、社会赞助等。我国高校的学生赞助在不断完善的进程中也存在着一些 疑问,我晓得到的疑问首要有以下几点:第一,赞助断定程序不可稳重;第二, 扶意图不 够长远,首要是学校供给的一些勤工俭学的岗位很难与学生的专业联络在一同,学校供给的 助学岗位很难训练学生的才能;第三,后期寻找引导、责任追查机制不可完善。我想学生资 助大约在程序设定上愈加稳重合理;在 扶意图上大约设置愈加靠近被赞助学生专业的岗位, 使学生得到更多的训练;然后,树立起愈加严肃的责任追查机制,避免“贫而未 , 而不 贫”的表象发生。最终,我想在研讨生跟各位教师学习,根究优化学生赞助的方案。

?第七题:寒门再难出贵子的观点?1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、我认为寒门再难出贵子的表象现已越来越广泛了。学生家庭的经济本钱关于学生的生长 和日后的打开非常重要,经济本钱是学生安康生长的保证;家庭的文明本钱对学生的学习和 日后进修也会有较大的影响。?3、我想作为教育者,尽管咱们不能改动学生家庭的经济本钱和文明本钱。可是咱们可以从 其他的方面往来不断抵偿学生之间的间隔。比方在教育中做到“对症下药”、完善学生赞助体系 等。谢谢教师!

第8题:优势和下风?1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、我想先从我的优势说起:第一、我有一些常识上的优势,我本科学习了经济学的有关知 识基础,让我对经济学有了初步的晓得,教育经济学与经济学也有许多重合的理论,我想本 科的学习更有利于我去了解教育经济学;第二、本科时刻的学习与实习极大地前进了我的信 息查找才能,在大一时我就初步搜集材料写微信大众号。不管是在我考研时刻仍是在我将来 读研时刻都能协助我非常好地去搜集文献材料;最终就是因为我在基础教育期间触摸到了两个 经济打开较大的省份的教育,我的切身阅历使我对教育经济学的快乐喜爱和研讨抱有更大的热心, 我期望在读研时刻可以跟各位教师学习,持续厚实专业常识。?3、我的缺陷就是比照完满主义,做任何作业比照严苛,我老是需求自个把作业做到尽善尽 美,这样致使的成果就是自个浪费了许多时刻。当然,我也期望我在往后可以去战胜这个疑问,尽量更有功率,把使命保质保量地结束!谢谢教师!4、我的缺陷就是

第九题:为啥 学?1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、首要在本科时刻我在微身教育的大众号上看见一位穿戴婚纱上课的村庄教师,她一初步 致使了我的猎奇。后来经过晓得我才晓得她正本是因为当天要成婚,但她仍然不想耽搁学生 的任何一节课,所以她在上完课后才赶往自个的婚礼现场。其时我觉得自个被这位教师的教 育情怀感动到了,从那时起我便对教育学发生了快乐喜爱。在本科时刻我还读了一些教育学有关 的作品,如苏霍姆林斯基的《给教师的主张》,晓得了许多教育家的思维(如裴斯泰洛齐), 而且被他们的教育情怀所感染。我觉得我更情愿把自个有限的芳华投入到教育作业。最终, 因为我在基础教育期间触摸到了两个经济打开较大的省份的教育,我的切身阅历使我对教育 经济学的快乐喜爱和研讨抱有更大的热心,我期望在读研时刻可以跟各位教师学习,持续厚实专 业常识。?

第十题:金融学与教育经济学的联络?1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、首要,在常识上,经济学与教育经济学有许多重合的理论,如公共物品理论、需要理论 等。其次,在研讨办法上,经济学为教育经济学供给了许多研讨办法,如边缘分析、微观与 微观分析法、量化分析等。经过本课的学习也训练了我的一些分析才能,我想关于教育经济 学也会适用。最终,教育的打开可以推进经济的打开,如前进劳作出产率、推进科技打开、 前进打点功率。经济的打开也会推进教育的打开,教育经费会跟着人均?gnp?的前进而前进 究竟接近于同步增加。?3、我认为教育经济学就是教育学与经济学联系得极好的一门学科,教育经济学的研讨可以 及时地把教育的打开转化为人力本钱然后推进经济的打开。

第十一题:有没有联络导师?1、谢谢教师的发问!?2、我还没有联络导师。我首要把阅历放在初试和复试的预备上,所以还没有及时联络导师。 我方案在复试成果出来后再联络导师。谢谢教师!?



英语面试:?抽题,有预备时刻。简略地说了一下自个叫啥,来自哪里,报考什 么专业。抽题,先读一下你抽到的标题,再去答复。?




































































































































english questions:


①give a short introduction about yourself?

good morning,dear professors.my name is du yinshi.i am 23 years old.nice to meet you here.i’m very lucky to have chance for this interview.

i graduated from buu,majoring in finance.and i think i am a very warm-hearted and quiet person.i want to pursue my master’s degree in economics of education here.also i’m always willing to explore the new world and easily cooperate with others.during my college years,i made great progress in academic work.due to this hard work,i got many scholarships.i also?study?as an exchange studengt in taiwan .these experiences really broadened my horizens and also motivated me to continue my syudies.i have significant interest in economics of education.as i have profound interest in?this major,i’m planning to get further study.

??i have a good command of economics which will help me achieve more in this field.i hope i can form a systematic view of economics of education and lay a solid foundation in my future profession after 3 years ‘ study here.i really like the academic atmosphere of beijing normal university . today i have the opportunity to participate in this retest. i’m really happy. if i am lucky enough to be accepted, i will devote all my efforts and energy to my major .??thank you for your consideration!








②tell us about your plan in the next three years?

i will make my study arrangement according to the semesters. the first one and a half semester is the best time to build the theory foundation ,so i will devote all time to read books?、attend various kinds of lectures or seminars and assist my supervisor to do some detailed work in the programme.

i will make full use of one semester to begin thesis writing and meanwhile confirm the research field with the guidance of my supervisor . half year will be spent to write the graduation paper and my basic principle is?the earlier,the better.

plan was just?what?i?imagined?according?to?my current cognition,?maybe?not?reasonable?and?practical,?but?i?always hold?the?belief?that?action?speaks?louder?than?words.?a qualified?postgraduate?student?should?act?before?he?speaks and?afterwards?speaks?according?to?his?action.



③why do you choose our school ?

in my junior high school, an intern teacher was assigned to our class. when she first came, we all thought that this teacher was small and a female teacher of mathematics, so we were worried that she could not teach well. but after her first class, we changed our mind. of course, that’s not why i applied for beijing normal university. every day after that, she would spend her break time answering questions for us in the classroom. she is always in the office. no matter how simple the question is, she will be very patient to answer. because of her, the students in our class love math more. on the last day, when her internship was almost over, we learned that she was a student at beijing normal university. i thought to myself, so this is the students trained by beijing normal university, this spirit, i will never forget. so when i decided to take the postgraduate entrance exam, i only chose this school. that’s why i choose to apply for beijing normal university. thank you, professor.

④why do you choose this major?

first of all, during my undergraduate years, i saw a rural teacher in a wedding dress on the public name of?微身教育and she first aroused my curiosity. i learned later that she was getting married on the same day, but she still didn’t want to delay any class of her students, so she went to her wedding after class. at that time i felt moved by the teacher’s educational feelings, and since then i have been interested in pedagogy. i think i prefer to devote my limited youth to the education career. besides, because i have come into contact with the education of two provinces with greater economic development in the basic education stage, my personal experience makes me have more enthusiasm for the interest and research of economics of education, i hope to learn from the teachers during the period of graduate school and continue to have solid professional knowledge.?

⑤why do you decide to transfer your direction (motivation difficulties)

first of all, during my undergraduate years, i saw a rural teacher in a wedding dress on the public name of?微身教育and she first aroused my curiosity. i learned later that she was getting married on the same day, but she still didn’t want to delay any class of her students, so she went to her wedding after class. at that time i felt moved by the teacher’s educational feelings, and since then i have been interested in pedagogy. i think i prefer to devote my limited youth to the education career. besides, because i have come into contact with the education of two provinces with greater economic development in the basic education stage, my personal experience makes me have more enthusiasm for the interest and research of economics of education, i hope to learn from the teachers during the period of graduate school and continue to have solid professional knowledge.?







⑥if you fail finally, what will be your next step?if you failed this time what will you do in the near future?

well, i ?feel?a?little?bit?upset,?of?course.??i?might?be?depressed?but?i?won’t?be defeated.?actually,?through?my?research?these?days,?i?got?to?know a?lot?more?about?your?school?and?i?will?really?appreciate?it?if?you can?give?me?the?chance?to?study?in?this?terrific?university.?if?i?fail.still,?i?will?do?my?own?reflections and?try?to?improve?myself?in?all ways?so?that?i?could?be?more?competitive?next?time!

⑦what are your greatest strengths ??

thank you for your question! i want to start with my advantages: first of all , i have some knowledge advantages, my undergraduate study of economics , let me have a preliminary understanding of economics, both economics of education and economics have a lot of overlapping theories, i think undergraduate study is more conducive to my understanding of economics of education ; second, my undergraduate study and practice greatly improved my information search ability, in my freshman year i began to collect materials to write wechat???. both during my postgraduate studies and during my future postgraduate studies, i have been able to better collect literature. finally, because i have accepted to the education of two provinces with greater economic development in the basic education stage, my personal experience has made me more enthusiastic about the interest and research of educational economics, and i hope to learn from teachers and continue to have solid professional knowledge during my postgraduate studies.?


⑧what are your 2 greatest weaknesses?

??as for the greatest weakness,i sometimes set unrealistic goals,such as losing 10 pounds in a week,playing out the from in an hour.i think it is not a bad thing to set up unrealistic goals for me personally,you know,there is a saying that aim at sun,land on the moon.it means if you want to achieve a great goal, you should start planning now.with the setting of a high goal,i will have a lot of power;it doesn’t matter even if you can’t finish it.however,when i work in a team,it becomes a big drawback.in the team,once the target is too high,it will cause a lot of management and cooperation problems.i think this is one of the shortcomings i need to overcome.

and i am a perfectionist, do anything more harsh, i always ask myself to do things perfect, so the result is that i waste a lot of time. of course, i also hope that i can overcome this problem in the future, as far as possible more efficient, quality and quantity of the task to complete! thank you teacher!







⑨why do you want to go graduate school instead of finding a job?

well, when it comes to what motivates me to pursue further study, basically, there are three reasons contributing to my decision.?

there are several reasons:

first of all,i want to get outside my comfort zone.the time i spent during preparing for the entrance exam for postgraduate let me feel the true value of youth and the meaning of hard work.

the thing that really makes me confirm my decision in applying for my postgraduate study is a competition . our team collected a lot of questionnaires and find some interesting phenomenon , however, when we want to find the deep reason,it’s hurt that we are not able to explain it and apply complex model by using undergraduate knowledge.thus i decide to continue study to enrich my knowledge of this field.

besides,life is precious .it is necessary to seize any chance for self-development , especially in this competitive modern world .that’s all.

⑩how would your friends describe you ?








11、what would you like to change about yourself?

doing more sports







12、do you think your grades accurately reflect your ability?







13、who are your role models?






14、how do you normally handle criticism?










15、can you explain the meaning of your name?






16、what are some of the things you find difficult to do ?








17、what’s your favorite subjects in collage?








18、please talks about the advantages and disadvantages of education in economics of education?







19、what has been your greatest accomplishment?




20、what have you learned from the jobs you have held?

















1、?what do you like doing outside of study or work?

?i like running, running is my favorite. you know why? because when i run, i put aside all my negative thoughts and focus on my body. every night after supper, i often run in my school’s playground listening to music and english. apart from that, i set a goal that i have to finish on keep, a sport app. not only it strengthens my health but also improves my work/study efficiency. so it has become a necessary part of my life.?

2、?what’s your favorite animal \fruit\singer?








3、??how do you spend your weekends?

i love to?take pictures.?there are many types of cameras in my home and it’s fun to choose which one to use in different situations. i have been a big fan of travelling for a decade. before traveling, i make plans and look through all information related to beautiful spots. recently, a travel blogger’s photo book caught my attention. she and her best friend are separated in beijing and sydney, they mix two similar pictures together to create a new photo with different backgrounds and the same object. the concept is remarkable and it makes me want to create my own photo book. i can put different scenes from different travelling spots into one picture and i think it’s unique, structuring the photos at my own will. taking pictures is truly helpful in recording our life, sharing our life attitudes and exchanging wonderful experiences.

4、?tell me something about your hometown,like specialties(特产、特征), famous sceneries or it recent changes?

i am from a city with a long history over 8000 years.it is called xinyang.the city lies in the southern part of henan.many celebrities were born here,for instance,sun shuao?、si maguang.you know, there is a saying that “a remarkable place producing outstanding people”.i think the city really deserves it.the top tourist attraction is jigong mountain,which is one of the four summer resorts in our country.in addition,it is celebrated for xinyangmaojian,which is one of top ten famous teas.that’s my beloved hometown.

5、?tell us something about your family?

it’s my great honor to talk about my family .my family is very warm and harmonious .there are four members in my family:my parents,my little brother and me.my father is a manager in a factory.he often goes out on business.so most of the housework is done by my mom.climbing at weekends is our common interest.the fresh air and natural beauty can??help us get rid of tiredness.they can also strengthen our relationship.during my preparing for coming here,my parents’ love and support have always been my power.and i hope in the future i will be able to repay them.


1、?what was the most rewarding aspect of your undergraduate experience?






2、?what are you most proud of about your undergraduate period?






3、?in which campus activities did you participate?what did you learn or gain from this involvement?






4、?tell me something about your graduation paper?





5、?what are your short-term\long-term post-graduate career goals?








6、?could you imagine what you would like to be doing five years from now?






7、?describe your ideal career after completing the degree?






8、?what are you looking for in the graduate life??






9、?tell us something about the hot topic in this major?





10、?????????tell us something about the book you have read?





11、?????????why choose education field?








12、?????????could you give me a brief introduction about your university?

well, speaking of my undergraduate university, i am so grateful for my teachers and classmates. without them, i couldn’t make great progress in terms of my study. if i have to tell you one thing that makes my school so special, it is obvious that it covers a huge land. in addition, 4??years’ study makes me realize my school has cultivated excellent academic spirit and talents, teaching me to tell good from bad and learn to think independently. those qualities will be carried with me forever! once again, i feel so lucky to be part of my university.?



1、?do you believe that education can change one’s life ?







2、?what‘s the significance of education?







3、?how does education make sense to a person?






4、?describe an ideal education system that you are looking forward to building up?







5、?what current issues on education concern you most?










1、?have you ever read any books on education?tell us something about one of them.which one of the great educators impresses you most and why?





1、i am sorry,i didn’t haer that clearly, may i ask you to repeat it please?

2、excuse me,i guess i don’t make myself clear?

3、thank you for your compliment, but i think i am far from perfect.



the?state?of?economics of education.



measures?of?economics of??educstion办法



my favorite book is henry hazlitt’s lesson one economics, which begins with the broken-window fallacy and explores many fallacies in life, such as war, taxation, wages, employment, foreign trade, price systems, etc. the fallacy that impressed me was: is profit really the root of all evil? consumers, government officials like the violence and exploitation of responsible businesses, because in their view profits can only raise commodity prices. but not for profit, who will buy equipment, hire more employees, improve the quality of goods? if profits are too high, it will naturally join many competitors, and profits will soon fall back to average. without profit, no one will invest in production, thus avoiding waste. in a free economy, profit prospects determine what to produce and what not to produce. in fact, profits also put pressure on every company involved in production. profit is not raised by raising prices, but by reducing costs, increasing efficiency, strengthening management, and improving technology. and so on, some kind of view seems right at first, but in fact such a policy can make the whole society worse. as with the global outbreak of coronavirus, mask manufacturers are making profits while constantly improving technology and quality. as the epidemic improves, we see that the price of masks circulating in the market is getting cheaper, and the quality and grade are getting higher and higher. of course, the book also has its limitations, such as the fact that many of its data originated in capitalist countries in the 1970s. many economic laws will not necessarily be used with our economic market. but as mr xue says, changing the world is not the chief of economics, but changing the world outlook is the strength of economics. when reading, we should look beyond the book itself. my perception is that when faced with a particular economic policy and phenomenon, one has to observe his immediate short-term impact and its impact on a particular person; on the other hand, we have to pay attention to his long-term macro impact, and we have to try to see what is otherwise invisible in addition to what can be seen. economics, which studies the law of backfire, we always think that good people do good things, bad people do bad things, but economics does not think so. many times people do bad things with good intentions. in-depth study of economics, can constantly update their own values. i will continue to maintain the habit of reading in graduate study, continue to solid their own skills.?












1.???obviously,?名词?be critically significant to?名词, for?无缺的语句

obviously, persistence is critically significant to every individual, for without this quality everything would prove insoluble.

obviously, a decent job is critically significant to a graduate, for it provides not only daily necessities but also dignity.

2.???to be specific, what should be stressed is that?accumulating some social experience enormously necessary to my future.?

to be specific, what should be stressed is that i am not good at math which is indispensable part in my before major.

3.???in addition, another aspect/factor/merit(利益)/reason of doing something is that

4.???actually, it’s because of….that makes…

actually, it’s because of my persistence that makes me standing here.?

5.???despite the fact that…, yet…

despite the fact that the capital city is not climate friendly, yet it is a historical city that cannot be ignored by all the visitors.

6.???what comes first is that…and then…

what comes first is that i should learn my subjects well and then i will attend more social activities accumulating some experience.

if i’m admitted…

7.???even more important, if… i will.., which

even more important, if i am admitted, i will focus my energy on this major, which is also my dominant task in future three years.

8.???to be frank, in?academic field,?i acquire… and meanwhile…

to be frank, in my family, i acquire adequate support from both my mother and father and meanwhile they also provide me with a favorable study atmosphere.

9.???as for my…, i am fully convinced that…

as for my family, i am fully convinced that it is the origin of my confidence and courage.

10.?from my perspective, i would like to….at the same time, according to…, i will adjust…?

from my perspective, i would like to take the suggestions from my father. at the same time, according to specific situation, i will adjust some of them to fit new conditions.?










ijing normal university


economics of education



to be specific\ undoubtedly\critical\above all




about postgraduate?

q1 aims?关于你的人生方针


q2 about school?为啥报考咱们学校




first, i have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere. in my opinion, as one of the most famous universities in china, it provides people enough room to get further enrichment.

besides, it enjoys a good reputation in this field and provides us with a good academic environment. it is very famous at home and abroad in pa and has cultivated many excellence graduates for our country.

what’s more, i think our college is very promising. in the lecture, no matter young teachers or senior professors with qualifications, i felt a strong academic quality and a really excellent faculty. if i have the honor to study in it, it is really my honor。


q3 about education?关于你为啥要选择/ 学



q4 which?aspect?of?this?major?is?i?most?interested?in?(will?ask)?why?对本专业哪一方向最感快乐喜爱



q5 the diffidence between?高级教育和高级教育学的差异



q6 the read你读过哪些教育的书




q7 family support你的家庭对你读研撑持吗

my family is very supportive of my graduate school, and they think the same as me. we all think that graduate students, whether ability or rationality, can be greatly improved. then graduate school can also improve their horizons, will learn more things. we believe that whether it is the present or the future, we have to study for life, so if there is an opportunity to go to graduate school, i will seize it.

q8 plan after你的研讨生方案


q10 favorite courses你在本科时刻最喜爱的课程



q11 dissertation?介绍一下你的本科论文


about practice

q12 practice?请介绍一下你的科研


q13 your strength你的优势what are your greatest strengths ??


q14 your weaken你的弱项what are your 2 greatest weaknesses?


q15 character?你最赏识的特征


???what i admire most is a person who is both emotional and rational. in the face of difficulties can overcome difficulties, in the face of friends and family trouble can help, can always bring happiness to the people around, they will also be very happy people, this is the characteristics of the people i appreciate most.



about life

q16: hometown?你的家乡?(包括最闻名的名人、食物、风光)


q17: family?你的家庭


q18: friends?你的兄弟


?i have a special friend who is a kitten. this kitten is a little male cat, in my entrance examination, he stayed by my side every day, when i was endorsing, he was lying next to me sleeping, as if to cheer for me. he rarely mischievous time, will not disturb my study, i do not know if he will feel lonely, but his company makes me feel that i am not alone in the struggle, i would like to say, my friend is very good.

q19: things?你迩来在做啥


q20: hobbies?你的喜爱


q21: motto?你的格言


my motto is, as long as you do, there must be a harvest, big or small. in fact, this sentence is what i want to say to myself, because i used to be a person who did not love to fight for, and did not love to compete. but after growing up, i found that some of the things i like, want gifts can only be obtained through their own efforts. as long as you do, participate in these things, even if you do not get what you want, but there will be gains.

q22: animals?你独爱的动物


my favorite animal is the cat. in fact, before i went to college, i didn’t like cats very much, because at that time i did n’ t have much contact with cats, and then the family didn’t like animals very much. but after i went to college, i met many friends who loved cats, including in my school, there were many stray cats, and we often fed them food. since then i have been particularly fond of cats, a little cute, a little naughty, and a little pitiful. hope there will be no more stray cats.

q23: festival?你独爱的节日


q24: places?你独爱的当地



q25: movies?你独爱的影片


i’ve seen some art movies, and i like them. but in 2021, my favorite is the teenager of your film. why would i like this movie, not only because i like the closing seal, but also because the theme is very consistent with the current situation of a school. in my junior high school, there was also a classmate in our dormitory who suffered campus violence, but i did not stand up, i think now, feel sorry for her. so i hope that in the future the children of the country will live in peace and there will be no such thing.

q26 sports?你独爱的运动what do you like doing outside of study or work?

??i like running, running is my favorite. you know why? because when i run, i put aside all my negative thoughts and focus on my body. every night after supper, i often run in my school’s playground listening to music and english. apart from that, i set a goal that i have to finish on keep, a sport app. not only it strengthens my health but also improves my work/study efficiency. so it has become a necessary part of my life.

q27 books?你独爱的书、介绍你喜爱的一名教育家?延伸到纽曼




q28 city?你独爱的城市


my favorite city is leshan. leshan is a place with very good scenery. in leshan we can go to leshan giant buddha and take a cruise ship. leshan giant buddha is the largest buddha in china, he is more than 70 meters high, is a very famous cultural heritage in china. in addition, leshan food is also very delicious, a variety of, and especially delicious, teachers are welcome to visit leshan.

q29 food?你独爱的食物


my favorite food is hot pot. i love it when i first came to chengdu.when you walk on any street in sichuan, there is basically a hot pot. hot pot is very delicious, i like to eat potatoes and fat cattle in hot pot, these two dishes are to eat hot pot must have food.

q30 idol?你的偶像


i love to?take pictures.?there are many types of cameras in my home and it’s fun to choose which one to use in different situations. i’ll have some good friends out to take pictures on weekends. it’s a happy time . and i have been a big fan of travelling for a decade. before traveling, i make plans and look through all information related to beautiful spots.??i enjoyed the process.









higher education is established on the basis of pedagogy specialty, and it is a new subject specialty to train high-level specialized talents engaged in teaching, scientific research and management in the field of higher education. higher education can train talents and provide talents for the country. can also promote the development of science and technology. today’s higher education also has some deficiencies, such as insufficient training of teachers, the development of various colleges and universities is uneven. for these deficiencies, we can solve them by increasing teacher training and rationally allocating educational resources.






in my undergraduate life, i learned the systematic theory and knowledge of undergraduate major, and improved my thinking and learning ability. in my spare time, i served as the propaganda director of the student union and planned many publicity activities, which improved my ability of communication and cooperation. in addition, i participated in many associations and learned some skills, such as taking pictures and acting plays, which made my college life colorful.





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