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Part B:

Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) Describe the drawing briefly,

2) Explain its intended meaning, and then

3) Give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)


Graphically depicted in the picture is a scene, in which there are two students standing in front of a poster of a campus lecture. The individual on the left airs his perspective that it doesn’t belong to his major and it is useless to listen to the lecture. Conversely, his counterpart holds the opposite idea that it may be useful to our study and growth. We are informed that various folks take different attitudes toward the same scene.

Undoubtedly, the author strives to convey a conspicuous message that we should be a prepared person. It is intensive learning that keeps us continually

doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulties and discouragement. Besides, not only does a prepared mind makes us be full of energy to face the coming challenges and competitions but also offers us the foundation for the coming success. According to a latest survey conducted by an international organizations, approximately 76.5% of the respondents hold the view that they are willing to learn extensively and

to be a prepared person because a theory that opportunities don’t come to those who aren’t prepared.

Weighing up the above several aspects, I suppose that not until we realize the significance of being a prepared person and learning extensively and put this attitude into practice, can we foster it gradually and make a better progress. Therefore, the mass media, such as television and the Internet, should make every effort to propagate and advocate the positive mentality. In addition, as for our college students, we ought to do our part to learn any useful knowledge in our spare time. Only in this way can we embrace a prospective future.



1) 扼要描绘图像,

2) 说明它的意义,然后

3) 给出你的谈论。



图像清楚地描绘了一个场景,在这个场景中,两个学生站在一张学校讲座的海报前面,左面的学生说:“不是咱们专业的,听了也没用。”;相反,另一个学生说:“听了或许也有用。” 不一样的人对待同一场景可以会有不一样的情绪。

毫无疑问,作者向咱们传达了一个显着的信息:咱们大约做一个有预备的人。尽管有困难的沮丧,可是正是广泛学习使咱们不断地做一些有价值和令人敬佩的作业。此外,一个有预备的脑筋不只使咱们充溢活力以面临将来的应战和竞赛,也为咱们将来的成功奠定了基础。根据世界机构做的最新的一项查询,76.5% 的受访者持有的观念是:因为机缘老是留给那些有预备的人,所以他们情愿广泛学习,做一个有预备的人。



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