每日外刊丨考研英语阅读 – 究竟是什么让美国出现大规模枪击事件

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What connects America’s mass shootings? Easy access to guns.


The United States is a violent society, and has been since the first Europeans stepped foot on its shores. Millions of Native Americans — we will never know the

true number — were killed as Europeans colonized the continent. Slavery lasted for more than 240 years, and it was practiced with a grotesque brutality. Viewed in this way, our ongoing gun-violence death toll is just another facet of our violent history. But it’s one we could bring to an end, if only we chose to. Our homicide rate dwarfs that of any other comparably advanced nation.

美国是一个暴力社会,自从第一个欧洲人踏上它的海岸以来就一直如此。数以百万计的美洲原住民——我们永远不会知道真实的数字——在殖民大陆时被杀害。奴隶制持续了 240 多年,其残酷程度令人发指。从这个角度来看,我们目前的枪支暴力死亡人数只是我们暴力历史的另一个方面。但是只要我们选择,我们是可以结束这一切的。我们的杀人率与其他任何先进国家相比都相形见绌。

In the United States, there are so many firearms in circulation that there is more than one per every American. No surprise, 4 out of every 10 of us say we are personally acquainted with someone who has been shot. Nations with looser attitudes toward gun ownership experience more gun violence than those without. While mass shootings garner the most attention, our day-to-day death toll is staggering. Even as mass-fatality events plunged in 2020, likely because of the covid-19 lockdowns, gun violence is up significantly in many cities.


Murder rates in big cities throughout the United States increased by more than one-third last year, with many cities seeing particularly startling increases: Homicides in Chicago increased by more than 50 percent, New York by 40 percent. The vast majority of this surge was murders committed with firearms.



connect/k??nekt/ vt.联合;关连;

mass shooting 群众枪击事件;

access/??kses/ n.接近;有权使用;

violent/?va??l?nt/ adj.暴力的;

step foot on 踏上;

native/?ne?t?v/ adj.本土的,本地的;

colonize/?kɑ?l?na?z/ vt.在……开拓殖民地;

grotesque/ɡro??tesk/ adj.怪诞的,奇怪的;

view/vju?/ vt.观察;考虑;

death toll 死亡率;

facet /?f?s?t/ n.方面;

bring to an end 使结束;

if only 只要;

homicide/?hɑ?m?sa?d/ n.杀人;

dwarf/dw??rf/ vt.(使)变矮;相形见绌;

any other 其他的;

comparably/’k?mp?r?bl?/ adv.能够参与比较地;

in circulation 流通中;

no surprise 没有意外;

acquaint/??kwe?nt/ v.了解;

looser/?lus?r/ adj.更松动的;

ownership/?o?n?r??p/ n.所有权;

garner /?ɡɑ?rn?r/ vt.获得;

day-to-day /?de? t? ?de?/ adj.日常的,每天的;

staggering/?st?ɡ?r??/ adj.令人震惊的;

mass-fatality 大量死亡;

plunge /pl?nd?/ v.突然地下落;

lockdown/?lɑ?kda?n/ n.封锁;

significantly/s?ɡ?n?f?k?ntli/ adv.显著地;

throughout /θru??a?t/ prep.纵观;横穿;

startling /?stɑ?rtl??/ adj.令人吃惊的;

surge/s??rd?/ n.激增;

commit/k??m?t/ v.犯罪;

with/w?e/ prep.使用,用(使用某种工具);



A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.






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